Category Archives: WOMEN

Women have never played secondary roles in history, though they may have been not received the recognition they deserve. Today, the glass ceiling is being shattered everywhere. With that in mind, we are honouring and celebrating women of note in Canadian history and society.

We invite you to submit a short blurb, along with an image, of a woman you feel is deserving of honouring and celebration. Email

  • Hazel McCallion (1921 – 2023)
  • Kenojuak Ashevak (1927-2013)
  • June Callwood (1924 – 2007)
  • Justice Bev McLachlin ( 1943 – )
  • Flora Isabel MacDonald (1926–2015)
  • Judy LaMarsh (1924 – 1980)
  • Marilyn Bell ( 1937 –
  • Emily Stowe, M.D., (1831 – 1903 )
  • A video tribute to female public servants in Canada
  • Alice Munro (1931 – )
  • Sheila Copps (1952 – )
  • Angela Merkel (1954- )
  • Viola Desmond, 1914-1965