Category Archives: ADVICE Matters

Advice can help everyone. It can inspire. It can increase creativity, improve efficiency and boost productivity.

This category offers a growing list of writing tips and ideas with the hope that the suggestion may inspire and spark new ideas and new initiatives for writers and their work.

[su_animate type=”flash” duration=”7.5″]Ignore all advice at your own peril.[/su_animate]

  • TIP #3 – Consider PEER ANALYSIS
  • TIP #2 – Do your RESEARCH as you write. Confirm your facts before final editing.
  • Use character voice when writing critical or delicate information which could offend
  • PRODUCTIVITY: Courses online
  • PRODUCTIVITY: GOOGLE Chrome EXTENSIONS: valuable tools
  • PRODUCTIVITY: GRAPHS? CHARTS? Links to interesting graphs & charts
  • PRODUCTIVITY: Computers drive me crazy!
  • PRODUCTIVITY: 10 apps to set up your iPad
  • PRODUCTIVITY: 10 apps to set up a Win 10 computer
  • PRODUCTIVITY: 3 apps only, all you need
  • PRODUCTIVITY: Email etiquette, Part 2
  • PRODUCTIVITY: Become a Super Manager of your data
  • PRODUCTIVITY: A great website for COMPUTER ASSISTANCE, TIPS and Advice
  • PRODUCTIVITY: Website of the month – great set of Internet utilities, FREE
  • PRODUCTIVITY: NOTEZILLA, computer ‘post its’
  • PRODUCTIVITY: Mobility issues – here’s a ‘toy’ that will surprise you with its utility
  • PRODUCTIVITY: Stickies notes for free
  • PRODUCTIVITY: RADIO stations from around the world
  • PRODUCTIVITY: Selling your WINDOWS 10 computer: clean it first