HUNGARY BOUND ? Budapest Theatre – a must visit site !


Theatre and the Arts are alive and well in Budapest.

Budapest’s city centre twinkles with jewels of theatrical gems – focused on different aspects of the arts – National Opera House ( and Ballet) The Comedy Theatre, Erkel Ference Theatre, National Operetta Theatre and a number of smaller theatres and to top off this theatrical treasury, the city has countless cabaret theatres and Jazz clubs.


The Budapest National theatre, built in 2000. opened in 2002, lies on the bank of the Danube. The area of the theatre, along with an open-air stage is 20 844 square metres, and can be functionally separated into three parts. The central part is the nearly round building of the auditorium and stage, surrounded by corridors and public areas. The second is the U-shaped industrial section around the main stage. The third section is the park that surrounds the area, containing numerous memorials commemorating the Hungarian drama and film industry. 

The nearby Palace of Arts was opened in 2005.

The original National Theatre was located in the city centre, re-using older buildings  in different areas of Pest.

The Theatre and The Arts continue to thrive in this new building. The Park is filled with statues of famous actors, dramatists, and writers.

The Budapest Palace of Arts, a definitely must see to add to your travel agenda when visiting Hungary


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