PEGGY Atlantic Canada has so much: harbour villages, maritime shorelines, spectacular coastlines, and local hospitality that is beyond words.

Visit Cape Breton and drive the most scenic maritime regions anywhere. Rural, still unspoiled by commercialism found in other Atlantic regions, you will be awed by all that this area offers.

Halifax when the fog rolls in, absolutely incredible. You really will not be able to see your own hand in front of you. Digby, scallops so sweet and delicious, you will never forget them for as long as you live. When driving Cape Breton, go slow, the panoramas are to be enjoyed at a leisurely pace. Louisbourg will make you wonder about warfare in the 18th century as well as life in general during the time.

Lastly, you are in Acadia country. Listen to the language, dine on the seafood, lobster at a church dinner, cod at a seaside picnic table…ask about cod tongues and be ready for a delicious dining surprise.

Source: Newsadvertiser (Metroland news)


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