Prov Parties: license renewal Pickering Nuclear Station

2016-08-20_09h36_16The Pickering Nuclear Generating Station was designed for a 30 year lifespan. It will be nearly 50 years old if its license renewal request is granted. So far, the regional residents have been lucky, no Chernobyl, no Fukushima, no Three Mile Island…yet! The provincial party by-election candidates were asked to explain their position on this issue by email early in August. ONE party responded.

Read a copy of the letter sent to the candidates. LETTER

REPLIES from the prov. party candidates:



green  REPLY


libs  [su_highlight background=”#f2ec2e” color=”#e40f0b”]NO REPLY[/su_highlight]


ndp  [su_highlight background=”#f2ec2e” color=”#e40f0b”]NO REPLY[/su_highlight]


cons  [su_highlight background=”#f2ec2e” color=”#e40f0b”]NO REPLY[/su_highlight]


READ more and consider signing the PETITION opposing the license renewal

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