CUBA…five essential tips for a visit there!

Here are 5 essential tips for your visit to CUBA. 2014-04-05_15h13_38

1. Bring mosquito repellent, lots of it.

Staying on a CUBAN beach without layers of mosquito repellent is an invitation to an incessant calamity of itching. Call them sand fleas, call them mosquitos, call them whatever you want, but if you do not spray on insect protection, you will be cursed by an endless series of itches on nearly every patch of exposed skin.

2014-04-05_15h07_59 2. “After Bite” medication

You will get bitten. These insects are relentless in their hunt for fresh meat and you are prime cut if you arent protected. But given that you will get bitten, get some kind of medication to treat the bites, be it “After Bite,” or Polysporin, or Benedryl, you will need it. Bring it along and you will use it. It is inevitable.

3. Sun tan lotion2014-04-05_15h15_39

It would be redundant and superfluous to repeat the necessity of suntan lotion.

4. Small coins2014-04-05_15h18_47

CUBANS are poor and though fewer than expected actually beg, encountering beggars is inevitable, especially in HAVANA. Having small denomination coins means you can help those in need, but be prepared to become a Pied Piper attracting a throng of kids seeking a handout. The coins are also helpful for tipping which is an endless tourist activity throughout all of CUBA.

5. Pack an extra suitcase of clothing to give away.2014-04-05_15h20_06

CUBA is a communist country and sharing is taken for granted by all CUBAN service workers. Hotel and restaurant staff collect tips and share the collection amongst all the service staff, something which is not dissimilar to Canadian restaurant staff pooling their collected tips. However, if you bring clothing which will be given away to hotel staff, these things are personal and cannot be shared. Hence, what you give away, goes directly to the service person and/or their own family. Additionally, bring complimentary toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, all for giving away. These  are scarce commodities in CUBA, and much appreciated when they are received as gifts.

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PS And remember, if you have questions or seeking advice relating to travel, I will find the answers for you. Just email your question to me at

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