EDITORIAL: City’s first computer course, a great success


City’s first computer course completed…
like the city, a great success!



In October, the City of Pickering launched its first ever Seniors computer course, “Computers for Beginners.”

The course was sold out as soon as the City’s CITY SERVICES AND LEISURE GUIDE magazine had its cover cracked. In fact, the course was oversubscribed, Seniors demonstrating their enthusiasm for such a course.

The 6 session, 12 hour course included the basics of WINDOWS 10, Internet and Gmail, and was taught in a new, state of the art computer lab at the Petticoat Creek Community Center. Registration overflowed and many registrants had to be moved to a waiting list.

Three of the course participants, all women, were attendance stalwarts who never missed a class. Did they feel they were successful? Let them respond:

“I really feel more confident [about computers] now. I don’t lose material anymore but can find it on my computer.”

“These classes were so good, each session should have been 3 hours, instead of 2.”

“…really good teacher who has lots of patience with us.”

“Confirmed that we are never too old to learn.”

“The computer can be your friend.”

“This course needs a ‘PART 2.”

The road the course travelled was not without a few bumps, bumps which no doubt were me examined as suitably modified where changes can be made. Participants would like to have a larger sized lab, better display screens and boards and more time to practice. Age brings along new challenges for older adults and the city recognizes the need to address and accommodate for these challenges wherever and when it can.

Bravo to the city in building a computer lab open to everyone in the Pickering community.

Bravo to all the Seniors who registered for this first computer course for Seniors.

Bravo to the students who had such perfect attendance and worked so hard in order to graduate!

Pickering: great community, great people and great services. Age well here!


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