“TRUMPism” is the problem!

Donald Trump has been criticized, laughed at and mocked but is he really the cause of the debilitating downward spiral in the standards and principles in our society today?

Check out what happened at the Alberta legislature and the actions of PC leadership hopeful Chris Alexander.

Blame the “alt right” or “Trumpism?” 

The crowd’s jeering “lock her up” at the Alberta legislature was abhorrent enough on its own, an example of “alt right” or “Trumpism.” However, examine the crowd and you will be even more disappointed and discouraged: one of the attendees at this rally was Chris Alexander, a leadership candidate in the campaign to lead the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. This potential national party leader really disappoints and disillusions. 

If you are skeptical about Kellie Leitch as PC leader because of her ‘Canadian values test for immigrants’ and her ‘snitch line’ for citizens who don’t toe the line regarding ‘Canadian customs,” well check out Alexander’s reaction to the rally’s jeers. As the crowd shouted “Lock her up” in opposing Rachel Notley’s proposed carbon tax, this leadership candidate did nothing, said nothing, offered no defense in support of an elected premier of one of our provinces. He simply smiled and said the electorate should be heard. Is this the kind of leader we want to protect our backs? Leading our country?

Read the full story at cbc.ca/news

Read Chantal Hebert’s agreement at  Toronto STAR article


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