*** BEST SEAFOOD SALAD in the world ! ***


The best seafood salad in the whole wide world! An outstanding appetizer made with shrimp and pollock.

Bet on it being the smash dish of your dinner party. I guarantee it!

( A Szpin original dish )
Serves 6-8 people

1 package (350 gm) crab flavoured POLLOCK
1 bag 31-40 raw zipper back SHRIMP
1/3 finely chopped red or Vidalia onion
½ diced sweet red pepper
1 finely diced stick of celery
¼ cup chopped Italian parsley
1 small finely chopped garlic bud
salt & pepper to taste
¼ tsp granulated garlic
juice of 1 lemon
½ tsp of lemon zest
¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil

salt and white pepper to taste

Bring large pot of water to boil, 3-4 litres of water, add 3 tbsp coarse/sea salt to water
Peel, devein and clean the tails off of the shrimp.
Cut each shrimp in half crosswise (to make bite size pieces).

Keep about 8-10 shrimp whole, for decorating after
Put shrimp into rolling boiling water and bring the water back to a rolling boil.
Cook shrimp for 1 ½ minutes, no longer or the shrimp become tough.
Drain and IMMEDIATELY submerge shrimp into ice water to stop cooking for a few minutes.
Drain the shrimp and set aside to drain and dry.

Dice, chop, grate as required for each of following:

1 small garlic bud, chopped very fine
1/3 Vidalia or red onion (must be sweet onion), finely chopped
½ sweet red pepper, diced
1 stick of celery, diced
¼ cup Italian parsley, finely chopped
¼ tsp granulated garlic
juice of 1 fresh lemon
½ tsp lemon zest
salt & pepper to taste
Pollock, separated and cut into bite size pieces
Add the cut up shrimp

Use the whole shrimp for decorating finished salad

Combine all salad ingredients and mix together gently
Add half of the lemon juice (reserve remainder to adjust taste later)
Add the olive oil and mix all the ingredients

Refrigerate for at least 1-2 hours

Remove from fridge, stir ingredients gently again and taste. Determine if you need more lemon juice, salt, pepper and/or olive oil. You do not want liquid swimming in bottom of bowl but enough to cover all parts of the salad for taste.

Without reservation, I promise your seafood loving family and friends will rave about this seafood salad as being the best appetizer dish you have ever made.

Serve with melba toast or toasted whole grain toast triangles.

Chef Richard
My professional chef father would have
beamed with pride over this dish.

Shhh…a secret…
Take the bite out of the onions with a 30 min soak in sugared water.
Simply slice, dice, or chop your onions and put them into a bowl of water with 3 tsps of sugar dissolved in the water. Let sit for 20-30 mins, drain, strain and pat dry. These onions will have no bite at all, but lots of nice flavour.

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