Dr. Carol Greenwood on “Nutrition, exercise and better aging”

Dr. Carol Greenwood, Professor Emeritus Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, spoke at the “Aging Well Together” event presented by the City of Pickering.

Dr. Greenwood addressed the aging issues of nutrition, diet and exercise.

Dr. Greenwood’s talk was very comprehensive and detailed. However, her basic message was that the process of aging has factors beyond our control but there are aspects which people can control: diet, nutrition and exercise. Dr. Greenwood addressed all three aspects indicating that aging can be improved by some self-regulation and self-determination.

Dr. Greenwood’s full presentation needs parsing and analysis in its full presentation but it is well worth doing. Pay particular attention to slides: 17, 22, 23, 25-28, 34, 35, 37.
To access the full presentation,  click GREENWOOD

To access her Brain food guide, click BRAIN

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