NFL players’ political protests probably positive, possibly pointless

The political demonstrations started with a football quarterback, Colin Kaepernick. The cause of his protest arguably justified. The singularity of his act is spreading to other professional sports.

There are two sides to the protest.

Fire the “son of bitch”
Small minds, small opinions; the American president says things extemporaneously and spontaneously with seemingly little second thought. Advising NFL owners to fire the “son of a bitch” demonstrates the narrow focus of this leader. Abysmal.

These “sons of bitches” have explained their actions as being political-social protests against the immutability of American society in relation to real social and political equality. Athletes who began the protest were speaking out on behalf of Blacks. The inclusion of other minority groups, gender, race, religion, and more was a small step.

The United States tacitly adheres to the ideology of equality and full democracy. Were this not obvious and evident, the nationwide protests by minority groups would never take place. Social reform in the US has been moving at a glacial pace since the American Civil War more than 150 years ago. Violence, crime, assaults and such acts against every minority group takes place across all American states every day. Right-wing factions, gang groups, even police officers have demonstrated clear and significant opposition to minorities’ inclusion into the equality of the American social tapestry.

These professional athletes are protesting a legitimate and real cause. Their protest is their constitutionally-defended right.

Promoting a revolution? Perhaps justifiable to say it that way. But they are merely following in the footsteps of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Mohammed Ali, Margaret Sanger, Louis Armstrong, and Malcolm X, each one a revolutionary trying to bring about change and improve American socity. None of these individuals sought the overthrow of the nation; none was intending dishonour to its history, the war fallen or the flag. They were promoting a cause to improve America.

As former Green Beret vet, Michael Sand said, “it is PRECISELY for men like [Colin Kaepernick], and his right to peacefully protest injustice, that we were willing to serve.” Vets with open minds, sincerely patriotic take Sand’s position to support the significance and goals of the protests.

As long as one single Black person fears for their personal safety while walking a city street in almost any American city,  the United States idea of democracy is a facade, a sham, an act. It is that today and these players are saying it.

Americans denigrating history, the flag, the anthem
Kneeling during the anthem is an offence against America, flag, history and country. It is the less dramatic equivalent of burning the flag. The message, the same that this country is not worthy of respect because of its human rights violations.

The objective of the kneeling protestors may be justified. but the method of protest is not. The message being conveyed is when you disagree with your country, mock it, offend it, deride it. Destructive criticism needs to be questioned always. It should never be accepted at face value. When this criticism attacks the foundations of one’s society, it should be ignored and rejected. It deserves the criticism it is dishing out. It is wrongful and malevolent. It attacks wrongfully and assaults the very things a nation holds sacred.

Criticism which attacks the foundations of society is wrongful and assaults the very things a nation holds sacred. These protestors are misguided citizens. Their principles may have validity; their methods of protest do not.

The reasons for protesting this way is quite clear. The protestors want drama to act like a sledgehammer bashing heads into accepting their principles. However, ‘bashing’ never persuades the bashed, nor should it ever. Other forms of protest need to be considered, need to be adopted. More peaceful, less dramatic and less offensive forms; petitions, sit-ins, protest marches, media campaigns to promote and explain the cause. The pace of the change, very small increments, may be dissatisfying to the impatient, but the method of persuasion is more acceptable.

American soldiers fought wars to defend people’s rights: to protest, to campaign openly and freely, to speak unhesitatingly and without fear. These wars were not fought so citizens could mock the anthem or denigrate American history. The wars were fought for independence, liberty, freedom and equality. Sadly but proudly, young American men and women are still fighting for these same things today.

Find a better way to protest, protestors.

Read more:

What Americans really want

An open letter to NFL players and a call to boycott

My response to the protesting players ( Richard )



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