A personal comment concerning the NFL player protests

 I am a fan of the NFL but I find the player protests during the playing of the American national very discomforting.

Protesting players need to be reminded that they were hired and accepted a contract to work for an employer, not to take advantage and exploit the employer’s public image. They were hired to play football, not to make political statements.

While working, wearing the jersey of your team and acting in the capacity of an employee, wear that cap, helmet! You accepted the terms of the employment, now abide by them. The contract did not include that you had the right to stand up and protest a political principle while playing.

I do not dispute your right to protest. [ In fact, I support your cause, your protest principles and your right to free speech. ] Now, in turn, you support your terms of hiring by your employer. Your employment contract very likely does not have written in it that you have the right to protest on the employer’s time, the employer’s stage. So stop it and perform the job for which you were hired.

Want to protest? You can and you should but on your own time, on your own stage. You would oppose being exploited if it happened to you; stop exploiting your employer.

Play football when you wear the jersey of an NFL team!

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