Computer maintenance, monthly

People who regularly use a PC, desktop computer, really should do monthly maintenance and use some safety precautions to keep their equipment running at peak.

Here’s a brief list of monthly maintenance procedures and related advice…

To avoid major work in the restoration or worse, hiring someone to restore your computer for you, there are some procedures you should be doing on your own. In doing some of these, you will save yourself time and money when your computer crashes…and it will !

  1. Do backups regularly, once a month
  2. Do “System restores” regularly, once a month
  3. Take snapshots of screens with app/prgm lists, regularly, once a month
  4. Use REVO UNINSTALLER to remove pgrms, PRO version is excellent and cheap
  5. Learn how to do cleanups manually
  6. Use prgms like CCleaner and  GLARY UTILITIES to help you keep your computer clean
  7. Use only ONE antivirus pgrm…subscribe to just one application to avoid conflict  problems but make sure it is the best. I like AVAST PREMIUM but my service provider, BELL Telephone encourages me to use only their services, thereby saving me money. It is a thought I am considering.

If you need further help, contact me and I will advise you as best as I can


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