Gmail management and organization

Organizing and managing Gmail (email) is a thankless but necessary task. The task becomes even more burdensome with age as memories become overburdened.

You’ve got two choices: find a better way of managing these emails or just give up.

There is an alternative, visual, easy, and free. 

Drag is a free Gmail extension tool which helps you manage your email easily and intuitively. If your philosophy is to have “zero inbox” for your emails, this is your app.

Install the extension to your browser, ours is Chrome, and connect it to your Gmail address. You will be able to create filing columns with customized titles and then you just drag and drop the Gmail into the appropriate column.

This Inbox has had all its messages dragged into the columns ‘ACTION, PENDING, WEBSITE.’ The Inbox is now empty and will be populated by new Gmails as they are received.

The user here will be acting on the ACTION coloumn next and can see the Gmails which relate to other areas.

DRAG is a great way to help you manage, control and organize your computer work.


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