#1 – Get/stay organized

Memory is a like sand in your hand, slowly trickling through your fingers. Live long enough and you will have no memory but that age limit is different for every person. Some people begin to have memory problems in mid-life. Others have no memory problems even in old age. It depends on genetics, lifestyle and luck of the draw.


Even if you aren’t experiencing memory issues, staying organized will make your life more productive, more efficient. Develop a routine to begin your day and stick to it until it becomes an automatic habit. Here are a couple of strategies which will make you seem to have the memory of an elephant.

  1. LISTS:
    If you are list keeper, continue the practice. Making lists helps you to review what is important to your day, consolidates it in your mind and reinforces it in your memory. Each morning review your list with your morning coffee/tea. You may want to create a mini DAY LIST of what you want to do that day just to refresh your memory. It won’t hurt to make one. In fact, it helps to consolidate items in your memory by rewriting a shortened list. But be realistic; keep it a reasonable length, listing what you know you can complete in a day. Then, check off each completed item as the day progresses. The feeling of success and accomplishment will make you feel good.
    Make use of a WEEK or MONTH calendar with large squares for each day. Write the tasks for the day in each square, and again be realistic with what you can achieve in a day. Not completing all your tasks will be discouraging, so write a list that can be completed comfortably.
    ___If you have a smartphone, learn how to display a CALENDAR on it. Start each day with a coffee (tea) & your CALENDAR. Again, make this into a routine by doing it each morning at breakfast. Within a week or so, it will be a habit. Make it a life long one.
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