Shithole countries, an amazingly presidential statement

President Turnip never ceases to amaze and awe. A couple of weeks ago, he alienated a whole list of third world countries with his labelling of them as ‘shithole countries.’


Read the Washington Post column about the statement: [ WASHINGTON ]

An aside, CNN is tiring its audience with its endless tirade at anything to do with Trump. They criticize Trump repeatedly, parading out the same critics, same commentators who spout the same messages over and over and over. Even the devil has one redeeming quality, purity of character or consistent colour.

Please, CNN, give us a little bit of a break. Try reporting the news without your editorial criticisms. Also, coach your journalists to calm down, tone down the vigour in announcing the news. Erin Burnett is ratcheting up the tone of her rhetoric more intensely with each broadcast she hosts. Soon she’ll be jumping on the news desk to emphasize her stories. Puleeze CNN…stop it. Just report the news !

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