WK Feb 5

It may be frigid rigid cold up in Nakina, but those temps have no effect on Rotzy who is quite heated up over news events of the day relating to sexual harassment and modifications to the national anthem.

Go for it Rotzy!


As a follow-up to the former Provincial Conservative Leader Patrick Brown ‘sexual misconduct’ fiasco….I call it a ‘fiasco’ because they can’t/won’t print what I really think…. the Quote Of The Week landed here in the form of a reader’s email and included a picture, which requires a little ‘setting up’. The picture shows three different females, posing somewhere on a Red Carpet, each of them wearing an expensive ‘designer gown’, each of them showing a ‘lot of flesh’, and none of them recognized by yours truly….tho Marilyn Monroe wasn’t among them. OK? Rotzy, at the risk of being termed a ‘sexist pig’, would call them ‘good lookers’ or maybe even ‘hotties’. OK? Anyway, the Q.O.T.W. goes as follows: “If you don’t want people touching your critters, don’t make your barn look like a petting zoo”! It says here that this was written by a woman who is A/ making sense, and B/ probably somebody’s grandmother. Nothing wrong with either of them.

More Readers Write

    And this one was deeply concerned at the numerous ‘witch hunts’ caused by the flood of sexual abuse allegations (*see below) all over the media, and these days it’s pretty much on a daily basis. Politicians may be at the top of the list, but anybody who has achieved a certain level of fame (like actors and musicians) or wealth are ‘fair game’….tho it often is anything BUT fair….and professional people like doctors, lawyers, etc. are well up on the rapidly growing list. Anyway, the reader wrote of a recent report in a publication which went as follows….”I just read of a professional, who after 7 years of Med School and training has been fired for one minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients and can no longer work in the profession. Heck, he’s still paying off his school loans. This just goes to show you how one mistake can ruin a man’s life. Thoughts and prayers for him and his family. The article goes on to say he is a really great guy and a brilliant veterinarian.” Well, you can do what you want with that one….if you think it’s serious, you might want to read it again? Rotzy saw it as a joke….not a ‘knee-slapper’ but ‘not bad’….kinda like the woman who, after FORTY years, clearly recalls George Bush Senior ‘not behaving up to standards’. In 1977!! I doubt ex-Pres Bush recalls much of anything these days, but that makes no never-mind to that woman. Hey folks….don’t lose sight of the key word there…. ‘allegations’ (*see above) is what they ALL are! If my “F/N” count is correct, FOUR male Canadian politicians ‘resigned’ from their posts last week….federal and provincial….because of ‘sexual misconduct’. ‘Allegations’. And the thing the olde guy finds most disgusting is the total lack of support (or caring!) from the P/M, the Ont Premier, and all party leaders. ‘Guilty’ they cried….without saying a damned word! Or maybe they’re busy looking over their own shoulder??!! Well, it says here that not everybody behaves/misbehaves like ex-senator Patrick Brazeau….who was really into smacking women around. Here’s a word to male MP’s and MPP’s….including ‘wannabes’ and Municipal Politicos….in Politics 2018-style, you better have a squeaky clean rez-yoo-may. Ditto for your boxer shorts and/or BVD’s. You’re welcome.

What’s Next To Go….

    ….for The Male Of The Species? you ask. Well, if one ‘activist group’….you notice Rotzy didn’t say ‘female’ activist group’?….has their way, ‘THY SONS’ is gonna become history! You know, from the second line of our National Anthem….”True patriot love    in all THY SONS command”. If I remember correctly, Miz. Jo said they are favouring (demanding?) ”in All Of US command”. Tell you what….leave it alone….as is! Because if that goes through I can already see who will be next to go….after that. ”GOD”. As in ”GOD keep our land, Glorious and free”. And that, once again at the risk of sounding ‘sexist’, is assuming that GOD is ”a male of the species”. Got your attention yet? This isn’t just a gender thing with Him, as God and The Lord’s Prayer have already long since been removed from most school curriculums, groups and meetings where HE might ‘offend’ someone, right? (hey, in my experience HE doesn’t easily get offended but I’ll leave that stuff to the Clergy on Page 5) Getting back to ‘O Canada’….like I said, leave it as it is!! Lord knows it’s been tinkered with/messed with/changed enough over the years! I know….I did some serious digging on it the other day, so I hope I can remember most of it to pass on why it’s fine. Firstly, the French version was written way back in 1880’s…..a LONG tyme before the first English came about….tho the history dates back decades prior to then. Interestingly, they must’ve written it for longevity because today’s current French version is basically ‘word for word’ with the ‘original’!! As to the English words, seems to yours truly it changed more often than governments, from the late 1800’s, early 1900’s and beyond. In fact, the current accepted English version wasn’t set in stone until 1967….100 years after Confederation! During Canada 150th Celebrations in 2017, it became 50 years old. So, to those ‘activists’ who would like to see ”thy sons” gone, go find another ’cause’….and leave it alone’! O Canada!!!

*Thought of The Day”…Apparently you have to ‘eat healthy’ more than once to get in shape. This is cruel and unfair. (thx rk)

“From Nakina”…until next tyme.


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