Either Todd’s suffering from PSTD ( Plenty Sun Touching Dome ) by lying out in the Mexican sun too long or he has been soaking up a bit too much tequila.
But it hasn’t got to him yet. He’s rejected some items from being added to his “bucket list.”
Take a look at Todd’s bucket list rejects.
Things I will NOT do in 2018 (or any other year for that matter)!
Wyoming extreme skiing
Cliff camping
Alps skywalking
Redwoods climbing
Sitting on Trolltunga Rock, Norway
JUMPING on Trolltunga Rock, Norway
Ice climbing frozen waterfalls
Extreme picnicking
Skywalking Mt. Nimbus, Canada
Enjoying a scenic peek !!!
Extreme kayaking, Victoria Falls
Diving rock monoliths in Portugal
Climbing Mt. Wellington
CN Tower edgewalking, Toronto
Cycling in Norway
Crevice trekking
Glacier boarding
Biking the Moher Cliffs
I am ALREADY old.
I didn’t get here by being stupid!
POSTS somewhat related to the above post...