Issue 1-3 February 2018

A bomb dropped on our meeting in February.

Two lovely representatives from the Pickering Public library addressed our members detonating some very surprising news.

Read what we were told and our reaction to the news below.


Books we have read
A Man Called Ove
Brain on Fire
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
When Breath Becomes Air
The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio
Tuesday with Morrie

Up next:
Before the Fall
Being Mortal
The Verdict
The Girl Before
Call the Midwife

From the secretary’s desk…
A bomb dropped on our meeting in February has generated some heated discussion and dynamic opposition.

Laura, Suzanne and Richard attended the Library Board held at the end of Febrary where CEO Cathy Grant reviewed the new Revisions Plan for the Board and opened it to replies from the public.

The George Ashe Library Book Club representatives were not happy campers. In fact, they would have used the strongest DDT to repel the library’s pesky critters if it were legal to do so.

The library claims it would like to expand its contact with the community and give Pickering residents more opportunity to read more books and join book club discussions.

However, there is a wrinkle to the library’s goal. All current clubs will terminate existence by July 2019. After that date, members of the club can join all other Pickering residents, putting their name on to book club discussion groups from which names are drawn for potential participation in temporary book clubs. These clubs would terminate their existence at the end of each of their meetings. In this way, the library feels more people would have a greater opportunity of joining more book club like discussions.

The library is correct in theory. However, as the old adage goes, “You can lead a horse to water….” People may sign up for book club discussion dates but will these registrants attend, as they are all equal and new members, how will the meetings be conducted, who will direct the meetings? The parameters of what can go wrong are endless…but more people can sign up for these opportunities of meeting failure and unproductive discussion.

The George Ashe Book Club has expressed its concern with the new revisions plan being proposed. The club’s response will be delivered to the library in the upcoming week, April 4th. To read the response, click on RESPONSE

[su_highlight background=”#f2ec2e” color=”#f32323″]We welcome anyone who would like to give support to our request of grandfathering the GA Book Club…send your name to Richard at[/su_highlight]


Our reads….

February Meeting book

The February book was given short shrift as the meeting early explosive news affected the mood of all the club members and tainted the usual great discussions that are the norm.

Again, the club was divided and split not so much about the book as a good or bad read but about the plight of a woman who was mother of 10 children and had to cope with an alcoholic abusive husband.

It could and would have been a very lively discussion under normal circumstances.

Finding Gobi

Club members Agnes and Richard tauted the pleasure they had in reading Finding Gobi. 

If you like dogs, read the book. Want to hear Agnes and Richard’s reviews, visit our Book listing” section of the website.





Da Vinci Code author scores again!

A little off the mark, but still on target, Dan Brown has written another very entertaining and captivating story. Visit our Book listing” section of the website for a more detail review of the book.

The book has received mixed reviews, some readers dislike its ‘name dropping’ of tourist sites, others its technological bent, and others its deviation from ‘regular’ story telling where plot is developed progressively and story protagonists are built up with increasing intensity.


NEXT Club meeting

Visit again to hear more and visit the “BOOK listing” for our review.

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