Eagerly awaiting spring

Spring just can’t come soon enough. Bruno’s like the kid waiting for Christmas, excited, eager and impatient as he keeps peeking outside to see the status of the arrival of spring. We’re with you on that Bruno!

April showers bring May flowers.

Spring is on its way.

The sun is staying longer and warming everything up again. Buds will be showing up soon. Flowers will be popping their heads up through the earth.

Last weekend we cut down a 60-foot maple tree in our backyard. The tree had a twin trunk tree. Meaning about 4 feet up the main trunk is split into two solid trunks. It was so cute in that one trunk wrapped some branches around the other trunk and so did the other trunk. Confused yet? It was like they were holding on to each other together to prevent them from coming apart at the split during big storms. Its sister tree was brought down by what the weather people called a downburst, which is not quite a tornado but winds were just as strong. Also, the tree had markings of being diseased. So still lots of limbs to cut up for firewood, trunks to be cut into smaller manageable pieces.

Spring Motorcycle Show
The first weekend in April after Easter is the Spring Motorcycle show in Toronto. One of the new features of the show is called “Barn Finds”. They are hoping many people will bring motorcycles that have been stored in barns and left for long periods of time. Hope to see some interesting finds.

Also, in the motorcycling vein, we are participating in our annual instructor recertification and First Aid update. Looking forward to riding the school bikes this weekend. These smaller bikes are a blast to ride. I will have a huge grin like I do every year.

Yard cleanup is also a big and busy time for those of us still living in our houses. Apartment or housing estate dwellers can be glad to have a maintenance crew do the heavy cleaning and lifting.

Hopefully, soon we can open our windows to let some needed clean air come into our house and freshen everything up. Maybe the weather will be kind and warm up enough so we can enjoy a nice meal outside on the deck. Or for some on their balconies.

Enjoy Spring for all it’s worth.

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