Tracy MacCharles, MP for the provincial riding of Scarborough Pickering has decided to not run again in the upcoming federal election.

We thank Ms. MacCharles for her many years of public service, her contributions to improved living in the province and in the constituency and her dedication to making Ontario a better place to live.

We wish her the very best in all her future endeavours and much strength and endurance as she struggles with her health challenges.

Tracy MacCharles on her candidacy in the upcoming election

After two elections and almost 7 years of service to the people of Pickering-Scarborough East, it is with a heavy heart that I announce that I will not be seeing re-election in the upcoming 42nd Ontario General election.

Ontarians are facing an important choice on June 7th and it pains me to be on the sidelines for an election that defines the kind of province we all want to live in.

As many know, I have been facing health challenges over the past year. I have come to the realization that I would not be able to bring the full energy and drive to this campaign that my constituents deserve from their candidates and representatives.

This is one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make but I have concluded that this is what is best for my constituents, my health and my family.

Under Premier Wynne, we have made great strides in becoming a caring, inclusive and fair society and I am confident that Ontarians will not turn back the clock on all of our accomplishments.

I would like to thank the residents of Pickering-Scarborough East for the support they have shown me. Working with you to bring positive change to our communities is what made my job most rewarding.

Together we accomplished the Pickering’s Frenchman’s Bay reconstruction project and the building of the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre. We facilitated community engagement on issues such as mental health and seniors services, and worked effectively with all levels of government, not for profits and businesses to deliver investments and community supports in Scarborough and the Durham Region.

When I reflect on all that we have accomplished both locally and provincially, I am gratified to have been given the honour to have played a role in making Ontario a better place for everyone.

I am deeply appreciative of the fantastic and talented support of my colleagues, staff and volunteers.

Finally, I would like to thank my husband, Stephen Little and my children, Travis and Genevieve for their unwavering support. You are my foundation and my life.

Tracy MacCharles
MPP Pickering-Scarborough East



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