Lamentations and complaints

Lamentations and skepticism from Bruno’s desk.

Spring’s arrival, not so sure. Global warming, reconsideration here.

Bruno tries to remind us of what we once remember as spring.

Spring harvest, CANADA, 2018

In my last article I wrote, “Enjoy Spring for all it’s worth.” Now that was a statement!

As I am writing this, there is ice, slush, freezing rain and regular rain outside in the middle of April. No wonder people with arthritis and other ailments are feeling lousy with this weather.

The power went off several times at our place, but only for very short time spans. Others were not as fortunate. Our cable TV and internet has been out for a while now and no idea from our provider as to when it will come back on. Their office has power out as well and is running off a generator. Wow.

Tree branches are strewn all over the place with the weight of the ice and the wind. It actually is beautiful to look at but in mid-April?

My wife keeps screaming she wants to wear her sandals outside!

Mothers’ Day, May 13
Enjoy the time with your mother while you still can. Bring her something special to remind her that you Love her. Even if just a simple card wherein you can write a short note or poem exclaiming your love for her. Sometimes all they want from you is for you to be with them for a while and just talk about anything.

Cottage season, planting time
May 24 weekend is also coming May 19 to 21.

People will be going to open their cottages, cleaning their yards, cleaning out their houses and apartments and letting fresh air into their homes.

Hopefully, Mother Nature has seen fit to let the flowers bloom and the grass to grow. Warm sunshine will be a bonus for all of us. So looking forward to it. See you outside.

They say April showers bring May flowers. I wonder what April freezing rain could bring?

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