April 30

Rotzy sounds like he is mellowing. More likely, he is just tired, tired of winter, tired of shovelling snow, tired of donning all that winter apparel. But he does spread some some shine though it is much like his front yard grass, sparse, submerged and subtle.

Grass Is Always Greener….
….Over The Septic Tank”. A great book-turned-movie by Erma Bombeck in the 1960’s. Well, it holds true here at “F/N”HQ this spring….and I use the term ‘spring’ loosely….as our lawn always firstly re-appears almost directly below our kitchen window. With a 3 to 4 ft blanket of snow all around, and 6 ft high piles of it beside the walk where I’ve been shovelling, as well as a 10-15 ft ‘mountain range’ down front courtesy of Rob The Plowman, Miz. Jo and Rotzy were wondering if we’d see grass by Victoria Day?! So….SO….a 12-inch circle finally appeared a couple weeks ago, but it was quickly buried by that major dump of snow….Old Man Winter’s last hurrah for the longest of the seasons….and this year I was wondering if I/we were going to make it. Well, I/we did. Make it. Good riddance pal. As I write this, Sunday 8:30AM, after a quick glance around, I can see the lawn in other spots here and there, and that will no doubt please our first robin of 2018, who arrived last Thursday or Friday, and improve the odds of him finding a worm.

Last Week….
….in this space yours truly made reference to the upcoming provincial election in June, and how, in all likelihood, it will evolve into something resembling a street brawl. Well folks, nothing has happened to dispel that line of thinking. Nothing! Now, most of us might conjure up a picture of a couple opponents squaring off in some dark, dirty alley…maybe with a few onlookers cheering on their pick. Get the picture? Well, forget it. This Ontario Election is gonna look more like a ‘WWE Raw Extravaganza’….Hulk Hogan, bright lights, cameras and people everywhere, the whole she-bang (*see below)….and few, if any rules. ”Why no rules” you ask? Because Doug Ford is in it….and Dougie doesn’t play by the rules….unless he makes them up himself, which you can bet he WILL. “Is he to be taken seriously” you ask? Well, certainly NOT by Rotzy….but Hey! that’s just MY opinion….altho I did some “F/N” checking last week and found out he’s actually leading Ms. Wynne (by approx. 20%?) at least in one poll. To tell you the truth, “From Nakina” is STILL trying to get my head around the fact he actually WON the Conservatives Leadership vote??!! I mean, for gosh sakes the guy is a ‘Canadian clone’ of Donald Trump!! But win it he did. And, unlike his US ‘clone-mate’, no one came forward to say the vote was rigged/improper/illegal or that there was any other wrongdoing. Hence, Rotzy is quite looking forward to the next six or seven weeks….probably much more so than Kathleen Wynne is! “What if he wins”? you ask? Whoa!!! I shudder at the very thought of it!!

By The Way….
….there is another election coming up for many/most Ontarians later on this year, as the majority of municipalities throughout the province will go to the polls….or (sadly) to the internet provider on their computer(!)….to elect mayors and councils, board of education positions and cetera….in most cases for the next four years. So, even tho that vote is still five months or so down the road, “From Nakina” decided to do some investigative checking/reporting as to who is/might be running in the vast municipality of Greenstone….at least for mayor and council. So….SO….I went ahead and checked with various ‘unnamed sources’. Well people, it says right here that ”if APATHY was bliss, the municipality of Greenstone is one happy town”!! (*see above) My findings were/are that only one….possibly two?….present members of council are going to stand for re-election. I do not know of the mayor’s plans, and there’s no point of me emailing him as to yay or nay because he doesn’t answer my emails. Well, I said (to myself) “Hey Toad….it’s way early to be checking this out….give it a few months”. There are also a few individuals who may not be running because of ‘other issues’. I guess the thing I found most disturbing was that in a few follow-up discussions with some folks whom I think/thought might take a shot at running….it became quite obvious to this olde guy nobody gives a damn…..new tourism logo and catchphrase notwithstanding. Just thinking….I might get ‘scolded’ for that ‘nobody gives a damn’ line….but that might not be a bad thing if somebody actually DOES give a damn, if you get my drift?

Justice Is Served
Really?? I make reference to the ‘guilty’ verdict handed to Bill Cosby last week….tho apparently his lawyer plans to appeal the decision. Then last Friday I heard on the CFNO News that Temple University has rescinded the Honorary Doctorate Degree they presented him with about four decades ago. Actually Cosby had attended Temple and played NCAA Football whilst there. Anyway, as to ‘justice being served’….Rotzy is gonna hold off on the celebratory high-fives for now, the more I see of this old guy…altho HE can’t see anymore….as he’s coming and going from Court. Especially now that the ‘victims’ are ‘finally at peace with themselves’. Really?

*Thought Of The Day…Statistics show that animal abusers commit less abuse after being shot.(pt.)

“From Nakina”…until next tyme.

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