May 7

 Rotzy dishes it out…again. About Dr. Suzuki, walleye fishermen donations to his freezer, and his cole slaw. Even the NHL takes a lickin’ I think.

We’re all dying to try out his northern famed slaw now!

“From Nakina”…

Happy Mothers Day!!
Sunday May 13th. And what better way to celebrate that special lady in YOUR lives than to take her to the Mothers Day Supper at the Wm. Grant Legion Branch #116 in Nakina! Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings! (including Rotzy’s Famous Cole Slaw) and Desserts galore! Serving starts at 5:30PM. Adults Only $12.00, Children 12 and  under Only $6.00  Kids under 4 Eat Free/Gratis!! A great way to treat Mom! Everyone’s welcome….including non-Nakinaites….see y’all there!!!

Are You Kidding Me??
Miz. Jo copied me in last week on a recent Toronto Sun article about David Suzuki….Doctor David Suzuki to be more accurate, as he actually attained a PhD in Zoology back in the 1960’s. After checking my Oxford, I confirmed that  ‘zoology’ is indeed the ‘study of animals’. That is likely how he caught on with CBC as host of their long-running TV show The Nature Of Things. Anyway, long-tyme Sun writers like Mark Bonkoski and Lorrie Goldstein did a pretty thorough carve job on Doctor Dave….wiith Bono suggesting that Suzuki be ‘trashed’ if I remember correctly. Hey, Rotzy can take the Doctor, or leave him, tho I much prefer the latter! (*see below) The Sun article stems from the report that the University Of Alberta desires to lay an Honourary Doctorate Degree on Suzuki. Hello?? I know not whom out there in Alberta….assuming the person(s) who came up with the idea is/are in their right mind….would even remotely ever consider Dr. Dave for ANY sort of honour at all, especially with school’s name attached to it. Hello again?? It is common/Canada-wide knowledge since forever that The Alberta Tar Sands do not have a bigger/more vocal opponent anywhere in the Dominion!! Does The U of A not realize this? As to the ‘take him or leave him’ thing (*see above) I find it rather annoying that, altho his formal education basically ended with a Zoology PhD, since then he somehow became THE consummate expert in Immigration/Agriculture/Fossil Fuels….and not to forget Climate Science (a biggie)….as well as Politics, as per a recent snap shot of the Doc yukking it up with ‘his pal’ the P/M. I also found it somewhat incredible in a piece I read (in total amazement) about six months ago at how ridiculously popular this guy is as a Guest Speaker at colleges and universities all over the country. OK, OK, OK…..I’ll admit to having seen him on Nature Of Things once in a while….likely whilst waiting for a late-starting hockey or baseball game to come on….but c’mon people!! I guess, like many/most Canadians I was naive/dumb enough to believe these speaking gigs were being done as a ‘charity’. Silly me! For Dave, it seems that ‘charity begins at home’….HIS home….and he was (still is?) raking about $30,000 for 50 minutes for him to impart HIS wisdom on YOUR stage. Or was it $50,000 for 30 minutes? No matter, but there were a few other ‘requirements’ necessary to book Suzuki. One, that I can’t recall in fine detail, was for a rather fancy-schmantzy post oration spread of expensive foods and treats, which Dave had/has a penchant for….AND….it was made perfectly clear, he very much liked to be surrounded by a half a dozen or more good-looking young co-eds. Probably to talk further with about Fossil Fuels, Climate Science, eh? Formerly Global Warming, now Climate Science, is his most requested topic, but it says here that he will tell you that ’round is square’ if you’d rather….and then prove it!! As long as your school puts the money up front. Oh…and don’t forget the pretty ladies. What a guy, eh? Well folks, “From Nakina” is gonna try and follow up to see if the University Of Alberta actually carries out their brain-dead plan to honour Doctor Dave. Hey, this is a guy who actually received a number of votes for the Most Popular Canadian when we turned 150 in 2017….tho methinks he didn’t get as many as Don Cherry or Stompin’ Tom…or his pal’s dad, Pierre.

Walleyes And Stuff
Just checking out the calendar here at “F/N”HQ on this Sunday AM, and according to my information, Walleye Season opens less than two weeks from today! Saturday May 19th. Or maybe not! Depends on whether the ice is gone by then. Getting yays and nays on the Big Question Du Jour. Someone ‘in the know’ last week told us ‘yes’, while Rotzy says nay, but I don’t know s–t from shineola. I guess we’ll see. By the bye, we can handle a few fillets in our freezer if you don’t have room in yours. Thanks in advance. (*I’m ‘shameless’ when it comes to walleye ‘donations’).

The NHL’s Shame
I’m not gonna waste much tyme on this….I’m not a Bruins fan….nor am I a Tampa Bay fan. OK? Nor do I know (or care) what’ll happen with the rest of this series. After two incidents that could make you puke/turn people right off hockey….there were no penalties called and no suspension. The NHL has no cajones!!

*Thought Of The Day…I am NOT phatt. I am just ‘easier to see’.

“From Nakina”…until next tyme.


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