10 BEST apps for your iPad, 2018 (iPad vers. 11)

There are dozens and dozens of applications for the iPad, apps as they are better known.

Deciding which apps are the best is very subjective depending on a user’s needs and skill level.

My favourite apps are selected based on usefulness, ease of use, the simplicity of design and intuitive management.

Before listing my top 10 favourite apps, there are some basic apps which should be noted.

Apple iPads have a number of default apps which are included automatically with the device. These apps cannot be removed easily. However, many of them are so important, it would be best to retain them even if they could be removed.

The TWO apps which should be placed at the top left of the ‘HOME’ screen where accessing them is easy and needs no thinking: SETTINGS and APP STORE.


Default apps
Apple iPads have a number of default apps which are important and very useful. These apps also cannot be removed easily from the device, nor should they be removed.

The notable default apps are the CALENDAR, REMINDERS, and NOTES. Each of these applications is easy to use, has a clean and simple design and has a real and practical value to the iPad user.


10 BEST apps, 2018


LastPass is a password generating and management app, arguably the best of some very good password management applications. There are two versions, the FREE version which is limited to use on one device only and the $2/mth US version which has no limitations being accessible on any and ALL your devices. LastPass runs on all devices from tablets like iPads to computers like the PC and the MAC. In our view, there really is no better password management application other than LastPass.

Yowindow is a weather forecasting app with a fun twist. Not only can you set the scene or landscape of the weather station, but as you slide the control button at the top of the app, the time and weather respective to the time change accordingly. Additionally, the app forecasts the weather for up to two weeks forward and it seems to be as accurate as any other weather app.

Drippler is a news advisor which suggests new technological apps or programs which are in the web world of news. The app offers succinct descriptions and sometimes even rates the new application giving users new considerations for additions to their devices. It is interesting to see what new innovations appear regularly.

Evernote is a note recording app which accepts notes in various formats, audio, photo, and text. The free version may still be offered but it is very limited in the amount of storage it permits. The purchased version is under a $100 Cdn, and for the price, no average user will likely ever exceed the storage limit permitted. The added benefit of Evernote is that it has been around for a few years and seems to be quite ubiquitous, connecting with many other apps such as photo and audio programs, thereby allowing a user to easily make a note in the application. Excellent for record keeping all house documentation and important records.

Dropbox is a ‘cloud’ storage app that has been around for a few years and has established itself with a solid reputation for security and utility. Because it has been around for a while, it also has links with many other established programs and applications making it very easy to transfer the information to Dropbox for safekeeping. Excellent for keeping photos but these require large amounts of storage space and $100 gives a user 1 TB of storage, an amount no average user will likely usefully.

Pod is a calendar app which rivals Apple’s in-house one and outdoes Google’s excellent calendar app. Pod is a calendar to consider because of its ease of use in changing views and themes. Day, Week, Month and Year views are simply a drag away and the dark theme, dramatic as it may look, really does make the calendar events and reminders much easier to read.

Checklist+ is an excellent list making program only available to iPad users at this time. The app’s excellence is based on simplicity and efficiency. It allows users to make LIST GROUPS and list items within each group. Fundamental editing is allowed, deletion, indentation and typo editing, no more. No colours, no formatting attributes. Nothing else. Simply create a LIST and enter items into it. Want an additional list? Go ahead; create and add items. That’s it. In a nutshell, the best list making app we have seen anywhere.

Notezilla is a note making app based on the concept of sticky notes. This electronic version of those notes is ideal for making notes and “sticking” them anywhere and everywhere you work on the computer. Though there is a free trial version, it is limited to 30 days after which the app can be purchased for less than $30 dollars. A discount coupon is available through our website. Contact us for the link to it. Notezilla really is an app you will not be able to give up once you start using it just a little.

Microsoft developed ONENOTE as a note making and note archiving program. It links with many other apps and programs and is tremendously versatile in its use. It seems to have old time scrapbooks as it operating model and it is easier to use than the Lepages glue bottle of old and the scissors.

Though there are strong competitors to Gmapsnone seem to have the reliability and dependability that this app has. Put it on your iPad or smartphone and you have a built-in GPS system wherever you have Internet connectivity. Need to find the directions to a particular location, type it into the address bar of Gmaps and bingo, direction instructions faster than a blink but slow enough you can drive to the location safely.

There you have it, our 10 favourite iPad apps with a bit of information about each one.

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