L3 – Find anything on your computer

Ever try to find something on your computer, and can’t?

Join the crowd but there is a free tool which will find whatever file you are looking for, easily, quickly and at no cost.

Two methods to find lost files.

Windows 10 is getting better and better at finding files on your computer. It is easy to use and will find just about anything you have lost.


A) Windows 10
1. Press the START
2. Type the beginning of what you think the ‘lost file’ was called
3. Windows 10 will immediately display files with a name that corresponds to what you began typing. BINGO…you will likely see your lost file.

B) VOIDTOOLS: Everything
The second method requires downloading and installing a free program called ‘EVERYTHING’

This is the hard part….
1. Go to the VOIDTOOLS website at VOIDTOOLS
2. Click one of the ‘installer’ buttons; use either button on the site page

3. Follow the installation prompts. Upon completion, you will find “Everything” in your ‘programs menu’ found with the START button under the “E” group.

4. You type your search item and Everything will instantly begin populating results as displayed in my search for  Geo Ashe Library moderator….gal moder below:

5. Double click on the file you want to open by double-clicking it. That’s it! File found and opened. Easy as pie!

Got any questions? Contact Richard

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