L4: Hyperlinked data and secure Internet transmission

 The little hand that appears when you hover over parts of your browser screen when exploring the Internet means something. It means that the item below can be clicked which in turn takes to the Internet location associated with the item.

The displayed hand indicates the item below is HYPERLINKED.

Ever notice that how your computer cursor changes shape displaying a hand on some parts of your computer screen when you are moving around on an Internet page in your browser?

When your cursor turns into a hand, it means that the item below the figure is ‘clickable,’ is HYPERLINKED, permits you to access the linked data behind the item.

So pay attention to your cursor changing form as you browser an Internet page.

Think twice
When you decide you would like to click on the item below, think again. Consider what you are clicking on; is it legitimate? Is it an authentic site? If you have doubts or hesitations, it may be better to pass the clicking/opening of the site risking exposure to a dangerous unknown.

https vs http
If you look at the top, at your address bar/box on any page you are exploring on the Internet, you will see a URL, a site address for the page you are exploring. Some pages start the address with http, others use https.

The http and https letters mean that the information is being transmitted via a kind of format called a hyper text transfer protocol. That isn’t important to you. What is important is whether the site address is http or httpS.

An httpS site means it is encrypted, specially coded, so if the transmission is hacked while being sent around the Internet, the hacker cannot read it, use it because it is coded, jumbled up. Hence, your transmission is secure. Financial sites, retail sites use the https code. If the is not there, stop using the site. That site is not secure. All internet banking sites use https.

So there you have it: the meaning of a hand displayed on an Internet page and identifying the security of your Internet site by looking for the https in the address bar/box.


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