August 26

Rotzy must have been reading the Tech HELP column on our site!

In creating his file, his computer skipped a beat and he “lost” the file. At least, he can’t find it now.

So we directed Rotzy to Lesson 3: Find anything on your computer. We’re here to help!

From Nakina”….

But after one screw-up Sunday AM whilst writing the “F/N” column, then a second one where the “F/N” column went somewhere into la-la land as I was doing a correction, my mind has gone about as blank as my P/C monitor screen was. Five hours down the pooper. Yes, I DO have some ‘P/C issues’ but the bigger problem here is my paws….they don’t work worth a s–t. The other problem is that….as I often do when writing “From Nakina”….I have my ‘rough copy topic notes’ to work from….but a goodly amount of the finished product comes ‘off the top of my pumpkin’ if you will. You could say it’s my style. And as I attempt to re-write the column, the top of my pumpkin is not necessarily a very good place to be, if you will. Even if you won’t. That said, without further adieu, let’s get on with the task at hand….albeit a somewhat abbreviated version of the original “F/N” column.

Skinners Famous Acre
As reported last week, we did indeed make it down to The Annual Porch Jam after getting our annual invite to see the current version of F.O.G….aka Friendly Old Guys….which numbered TEN pickers/players/singers last Sunday, including ‘special guests’. A nice blend of old R&R, C&W, even some ‘novelty tunes’. We landed in the ‘Nakina Section’, because it apparently allowed smoking and alcoholic beverages. Nice to see T.G. again as well as a few other Longlac acquaintances….and to meet some new ones. Thanks for the invite and an enjoyable afternoon.

Readers Write
And one particular email caught Rotzy’s attention last week….it read ”You two sure left your mark on Nakina”. Well, thinking (hoping?) that it was meant in a complimentary way, I said (to myself) “Hey Toad, I guess that’s better than leaving a ‘stain’, huh”? Anyway, in my ‘second’ column attempt….yes, the one that now resides in ‘la-la land’….I had gone on and on to great lengths to talk about/describe most of the various groups, events, clubs, organizations we came to be associated with and/or appointed to over the past 18 1/2 years. But with my pumpkin being in the current state it’s now in, we’ll just let that slide for now….if you get my drift. I do apologize again, and please accept this ‘peace offering’….it’s the best I can do right now, because Rotzy is NOT a happy “F/N” camper!….not to mention a ridiculously small “F/N” column. I’ll (try to) do better next week!!

*Thought Of The Week…When in doubt, just take the next small step. (thx p.t.)

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