Filtering to automate emails

Even a few emails a day can become bothersome if you have to deal with them individually and manually.

Automate some of your work using FILTERS where your computer will do many things with your emails for you. Delete, forward, label, star and much more.

1. Open your email program and click the little gear

2. Choose  “settings” which will lead you to the various sections of your settings.

3. You will choose the FILTERS… section next

4. Now select “create the filter” near the bottom of the menu

5. From the various options available, choose what you want to do with the selected emails. [ Note how it deals with messages which currently are within the criteria. ]

6. After selecting your criteria and if you wish to apply it to current messages if they are present, select CREATE FILTER.

YOUR FILTER IS NOW OPERATING AS YOU HAVE DESIGNED and your email messages are being managed automatically.

SHOULD YOU WISH TO CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT A FILTER, the EDIT menu is available by choosing step #3 as indicated below:


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