Tributes, eulogies, celebrations and post mortems…

Maybe the ‘fat lady’ is singing at the Scotia Bank Centre now…

Readers Write
And more often than not they make nothing but sense, like this one: ”Even though there are days I wish I could change some things that happened in the past, there’s a reason the rearview mirror is so small and the windshield is so big. Where you’re headed is much more important than where you’ve been.”

The Blue Jays ‘Post-Mortem….
….continues, and if being swept by the Orioles (who sport the worst record in MLB) last week isn’t hitting rock bottom, I don’t know what is? We just may find out. The 2018 Jays had a lineup most teams can only dream of in spring training….starting pitching and bats….lots of bats….then the season started. They went from the powerhouse to the ‘s–thouse,’ and out of contention by the all-star break! Josh Donaldson became the latest victim in the ongoing ‘big name/big money guy’ housecleaning efforts, following Encarnacion, Bautista and J Happ. They say Russell Martin will be next. While they’re at it, might as well get rid of ‘Tulo’….Troy’s been ‘recovering’ so long I’m betting nobody in the current lineup has ever played alongside him! It’s also tyme to say g’bye to John Gibbons….in truth they coulda/shoulda done that last year. Anyway, the days of 4 million fans going through the turnstiles are over….next year the Scotia Bank Centre will likely more resemble the few thousand souls who turned up at the cavernous building where the sad-ass Miami Marlins hosted the equally sad-ass Jays last weekend. You remember their former G/M Alex Anthopoulous? Those were the days, huh?!

As I Write This….
….Sunday AM, I’m pretty much ‘funeral’d out’ following several steady days of coverage on CNN….especially since more than about an hour of Wolf Blitzer just about does Rotzy in….covering the recent deaths of US Senator John McCain and Aretha Franklin, The Queen of Soul. In both cases, the services were called ‘a celebration of the life of’….and they were, albeit very different types of ‘celebrating’. In John McCain’s case, having been a ‘military man’ as well as a very high-serving, long tyme politician….not to mention being a Presidential Candidate….it required there to be a certain amount of ‘pomp and pageantry’ involved, and there was. A man of McCain’s position also meant there would be three different services, tho it had to be a terrible strain on his family, in Arizona, at Washington DC, followed by his burial at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD.

….It was a very different type of gathering at a LARGE church in Detroit last Friday for Aretha Franklin’s funeral….more often about ‘celebrity’ than ‘celebration’, and that was just fine with yours truly as I’ve loved Aretha’s music and Barry Gordy’s Motown sound since forever. Particular musical highlights for Miz. Jo and I were by Faith Hill, Smokey Robinson and Jennifer Hudson….and although I’ve never been a fan of Rev Jesse Jackson, his speech was nothing short of amazing!! Speaking of speeches, Bill and Hillary Clinton were in Detroit Friday and the former President spoke of his long friendship with Aretha.

….On Saturday in the Nation’s Capital Bill Clinton, along with George Bush and Barrack Obama, all paid homage to John McCain. Of course, of the many speakers at the gigantic Cathedral in Washington, the one that drew the attention of everybody was McCain’s daughter Meghan’s VERY emotional eulogy! It left no one….and I mean NO ONE!!….in doubt of her feelings toward Donald Trump, in regard to some things Trump had said about her Father. Instant applause! In a Cathedral!! During a funeral!! All caught on one of a dozen or more cameras! How tymes have changed!! Well folks, Wolf Blitzer and CNN were ‘on to that (special moment) like a hen on a June bug’, as were ALL the other networks (even CBC Radio) in mere minutes!! It just might be the ‘undoing’ of Donald, you think? I know not if Aretha Franklin had anything to do with the planning/organizing of HER ‘celebration’, but it’s certain that John McCain did with HIS….music, honorary pallbearers, those who were to speak….including Henry Kissinger, as well as three Presidents (all sitting beside each other with their wives), long-tyme friend Sen Joe Leiberman, and cetera. Two VERY different ‘celebrations of life’ for two VERY unique Americans.

‘M-Day’ Update
‘M’ as in ‘moving’….to BRANTford. The countdown continues to September 20th….which is ‘L’ Day, as in loading the moving van….leading up to ‘U’ Day, which means unloading the moving van on October 1st. The tyme in between will be spent ‘finishing up the sale, paperwork, etc’…..followed by our little convoy pointing southward….Jo Ann in Edna The Equinox, and Rotzy in Norm The Truck….as we go rolling merrily along, and as a couple oldsters, taking three days to get down into the Banana Belt. We’re getting there and the stacks of packed LCBO boxes continues to grow upward. Stay tuned.

*Thought Of The Day…You don’t make the poor richer by making the rich poorer. (Winston Churchill)

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