Summer ebbs away, September falls upon us

Falling leaves, school bells ring and ghosts and goblins scare the stuffing out of the Thanksgiving turkeys.

Back to school
Watch out for all the kids and parents roaming around. Teachers are also out there and we have to be vigilant as traffic has now increased substantially.

Last days of summer are upon us. Only a few more trips to the cottage, trailer or campsite. Have you had the chance to get out there yet? Or have you stayed inside due to the humidity? A short walk is helpful for those old bones and muscles, and fresh air makes you feel better.

In the fall, flowers will start to wilt and tree leaves will begin changing colours. The breezes will become cooler, and the air will smell and feel fresher. Leaves will fall and cleanup will get us out there once again.

Happy Thanksgiving
Soon it will be Thanksgiving. Time to reflect and give thanks for all we have had the privilege to share and enjoy. And, Oh, the food!! The smells are already tickling my senses. My tongue is watering and making me think about dinner. Enjoy your family.

Happy Halloween
Ghouls and goblins of all shapes and sizes, as well as all ages, will be knocking at the door. To decorate or not? That is the question. Fewer children seem to be coming to our door, yet the neighbourhood seems to have more kids out and about. Well, all I know is that whatever is left over the next day is mine! Watch the sugar spike again.

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