Sept. 16

Waxing nostalgic…Rotzy’s will miss the near north after living there for so many years.

Locking doors, the car, the house…new and not so welcomed experiences about to happen.

Following Up….
on our ‘dinner invite’ with friends last Sunday evening….first tyme in over three years, a self-imposed restriction by yours truly due to my neck issues/hand coordination, or lack thereof. An excellent meal, and I guess I’d say it went quite well. Of course, Rotzy couldn’t resist the gravy and managed to miss my mouth and drizzle some on my t-shirt two or three tymes….but no one laughed or made anything of it. Jeez…maybe I/we will do it again sometyme!?

Readers Write
And they send emails….and fwd’s. A ‘news clip’ video landed here at “F/N”HQ last week about how the police in Copenhagen, Denmark are dealing with drivers going too fast on city streets….particularly in 50 k/m zones. They have recruited some ‘young ladies’….very nice-looking ‘young ladies’ to be sure!….and when an approaching driver appears to be speeding, they hold a ”50 k/m” sign over their head, and in an ‘excited and animated fashion’, repeatedly point at the number whilst staring at the offender. Well, this new branch of law enforcement is working well….in fact perhaps TOO well, as traffic often comes to a complete standstill!! The reason being, the ‘young ladies’ are wearing bikinis! Bikini bottoms only!!! Goodness!! And Rotzy thought all the Danes had to offer was a breed of very tall dogs, apple and cinnamon danishes and Victor Borge! Anyway, thanks to an alert readership for the info.

The Word Of The Week used to be a “From Nakina” item we did quite regularly….more often than not it was an ‘obscure’ word, seldom heard, and used even less, although this week’s word is not necessarily in that category…. “melancholia”…. ‘a feeling of sadness and depression’. Anyway, with Jo Ann and Rotzy being constantly asked (*see below) these days, ”so, how do you feel about leaving Nakina?” I’m thinking ‘melancholia’ is somewhat fitting, albeit more ‘sadness’ than ‘depression’….although recent closures of the TD Bank, The Northern Store and the total absence of any real signs of life with The Ring Of Fire help qualify the latter. So I suppose when you look at the whole picture they do have something to do with our decision to go south. As to The ROF, there is NOTHING I have written more about in this space since I started doing the “F/N” column, about 15 years ago….and to say ‘it’s been a real roller-coaster ride’ doesn’t quite do it. ‘Flogging a dead horse’ comes closer, but yours truly hasn’t said/doesn’t say ‘the old nag is dead’….but it’s ‘still in its stall in the barn’. Hey…..the minerals (chromite and cetera) are still in the ground up there, and somebody….SOMEBODY….will eventually go and get them, and bring them to be processed SOMEWHERE down this way. Just not yet. In fact, it says here that by the tyme it gets going, Rotzy is likely to be on the other side of the lawn. So….SO….”what ARE you gonna miss”? you ask.(*see above) Well, this column….as well as TNN (The Nakina News 2002 to 2005) before it….’opened a lot of doors’ for Jo Ann and me, so ‘getting involved in the community’ came easily and quite naturally to/for both of us. When we were asked to do something or other, we just said ‘yes’. Miz. Jo did some St Brigids supply teaching, ran the kids Sat AM group at the Library, was part-tyme receptionist at The Clinic and served on NOSP and GVS Boards. I had a couple terms on the Nakina Ward Advisory Committee, at the same tyme as serving with the Anti-Greenstone Amalgamation Group….was that a ‘conflict of interest’?… well as the Nakina Groundwater Study Comm. We were/are members of The Nakina Fish and Game Club, The Branch #116 Legion (we just got our 2019 Memberships), The Seniors Sunrisers Club, became the Popcorn King and Queen for the Winter Carnivals and Movie Nights at the schools. I organized 22 Parades and even ‘became a Catholic’ for 3 or 4 years on the organ at Xmas Eve Mass. And how/why did we come to be ‘involved’ in all those things? Because somebody ASKED! And it’s things like that….even tho some of them already are in the past….that we’re gonna miss….as well as not having to lock our vehicles or our house. Not to mention a LOT of wonderful friends we’ve made over the past 18 1/2 years….most of whom I/we would ‘ride the river with’, to pull up a favourite saying of mine. We also get asked ”will you be coming back”? Well, my Dad taught me to ”never say never”!’

M-Day’ Update
Loading here at “F/NHQ Thursday, Sept 20….on schedule….spending a couple nites at PTS ‘Schram Villa’ to tie up any and all ‘loose ends’ and pointing it southbound to the banana belt Sat Sept 22 in the AM. I’m still hoping to continue to do up this “F/N” column when we land in BRANTford Oct 1st.

*Thought Of The DayWishing you a happy ‘whatever doesn’t offend you’. (thx rusty)

“From Nakina”…until next tyme.

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