Diet and nutrition are the paths to improved health

Eat better, live better.

Diet and nutrition are the routes to improving one’s energy, health and overall and well being.

Through the years living in Pickering, I discovered a service that helped me immensely to amend my skills in planning healthy, nutritious and easy meals. This seemed to depend on where exactly I was on the scale. My issues were mainly trying to gain weight instead of losing weight. But that quest varied depending on age and my changing tastes and that of my family.

In August I sought the wise advice of Lisa Ireland, the Dietitian in the Pickering Loblaws Store. Armed with my written log of goals, challenges and questions, I went for my set appointment. Lisa’s plan started from “Beyond the Basics” a nutrition guide which eventually developed into a map of our health needs and goals. The “Basics” is a chart indicating the amount of Fat, Protein and Carbs each food group and foods have and on the left the margin it indicated the amount of those we needed to consume on a daily basis. This chart became the driving force behind my daily meal plans towards healthy eating and a healthier life.

The other component of this program was how to Manage Diabetes. Lisa and I discussed Carbs, Fruits and Milk Alternatives that increase blood sugar. This was followed by a list of Vegetables, Meats/Alternatives and good Fats (almond butter) that do not increase blood sugar. Using the comprehensive chart of “Beyond the Basics” made it simpler to plan the meals. I did not think that I could ever learn all the nutrient values of common foods, but after a short while, it all clicked. I saw the logic, I prepared nutritious and tasty meals and most of all, I saw results. We were more energetic, I exercised more regularly and I started bulking up more in muscle than in fat. This organizational planning was most beneficial to me and to my family’s eating habits too. Once I began this program 7 years ago, I found that it just naturally evolved into a necessary part of each day. Once in a while though, I would call or visit Lisa only for a little tweaking of components or for possible changes to our diets.

This personalized service was totally free for the past years, however, it became such a popular service that it was put into action in 70 Loblaws Stores across Ontario and for that reason, a fee of $100.00 for an hour consultation has been applied in January 2018.

However, Loblaws still offers free services through the monthly calendar which can be picked up from a large table at the top of the steps in front of the cooking class entrance or at the Customer Service desk.  These free services focus on “Heart Healthy Eating”, “Reading Labels’, “Back to School Ideas”, “Avoiding Diabetes Type2” or “Moms/Baby Groups”.  There is something educational, nutritious and sustainable for every age group and gender.

My family and I benefited so much from this important service in our community. It gave me the tools and the knowledge that I needed to improve my skills in planning and implementing meal plans that promoted healthier choices and a healthier lifestyle for all of us. or phone   289 923 2874

Just my opinion….

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