Final campaign message….

A final campaign message from Shaheen Butt, Ward 3 Councillor





Final message from Ward 3 Councillor Shaheen Butt:

As the campaign wraps up, I have to say that it has been an absolute
pleasure meeting so many of you when I come to your door for support.
Sometimes I get behind schedule because our chats are so long and personal.
The reason why: we all want the best for Pickering. We have so much in
common. Our families come first, especially the people who raised us. My
mother is six months away from turning 100 years old and she lives with me
and my wife and children. Her wisdom, experience, love and support have been
the foundation for all our successes. It is because of her that I am that
much more aware of the issues that seniors face on a daily basis. I know how
important it is to have health care close by as you grow older. That’s why I
am so proud to be part of the team assisting in bringing the North Pickering
Health and Wellness Centre to our city, which is an expansion of the
Lakeridge Health facilities.
During my time on council, I have worked with volunteers with the Pickering
Horticultural Society to beautify our city; I have worked with the food bank
to help with those having trouble making ends meet, and I have worked to
ensure that our city is accessible and barrier-free for all to live
comfortably. I will continue to push for more programs and facilities for
our seniors so that they can enjoy their retirement in Pickering.

The results of my business experience on City Council can be seen around
the city:

  • improved infrastructure, safer sidewalks and new roads
  • new business, new jobs; Kubota Canada Ltd, Seaton Centre & Medical Centre,
    Durham Live
  • more programs to keep youth active and involved

I will continue to keep tax increases low- we had the lowest increase in 18
years – and I will continue to be your voice at City Council. I hope I can
count on you when voting begins on October 15th.

Return Shaheen Butt to City Council, Working For You!

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