Islamic Pickering of Pickering devoted to community integration

The Islamic community in Pickering demonstrates a real commitment to becoming a very active and positive member of the community.

It is succeeding very well.

Seniors Health Fair

The Islamic Centre of Pickering is dedicated to the development of its community’s integration with its surrounding municipality. The centre sponsors numerous events during the year to which it invites local Pickering residents, an integration lunch, outreach programs, non-denominational gatherings. The administrators and fathers of the community regard educating their neighbours about the Islamic community of Pickering benefitting both Pickering and the Islamic society therein.

Another event held by the Islamic centre with the community’s goal in mind was the Seniors Health Fair held on October 13, 2018, an informational fair aimed at improving ageing for seniors. A number of community companies, services and health-related providers had information booths at this event.

Among the representatives with booths:

The City of Pickering
City of Pickering Fire Department
Service Canada (Federal Govt.)
Philips Lifeline
Durham CNIB
The Alzheimer’s Society
Doctors at Home
Lakeridge Health Services
VON Durham

The inaugural event was very successful and its organizers, the executives of the Islamic centre plan on it becoming an annual event.

The preliminary work of preparing the room, setting up the tables for the representative booths and the preparation of the hospitality table was done efficiently and effectively by the women’s organizational team of the mosque. They arrived early to set up the tables, prepare the chai tea table with its samosa treats and have the bottled water available for the event visitors. [ Interestingly, coffee, a commonly drunk beverage is eschewed by the Islamic community where it is viewed as being an unacceptable stimulant. ] The sisterhood of the centre even provided boxed lunches for every booth representative, a nice touch of hospitality.

The event was coordinated and planned by the centre’s administrative executives headed by Shakil Akhter and Badar Javaid.

Mosque executive, Shakil Akhter, recording the event.

City of Pickering reps: Irveen Powley, Jutta Van Huss and George Ashe Community Centre activities coordinator, Andrea Dufresne.

The City of Pickering is very committed to improving ageing of its seniors. The booth had an abundance of information about its many events, activities, programs and courses for Pickering seniors. The range of activities – active, artistic, creative, academic or simply a new experience – is really motivating and inspiring.

Councillor Shaheen Butt centres the City booth reps: Irveen Powley, Jutta Van Huss and Richard Szpin.

Even Councillor Shaheen Butt, took a bit of time from his campaigning to visit the event and remind visitors to vote.

The Seniors Health Fair was the inaugural launch of this event by the Islamic Centre. It was a resounding success and the Islamic community deserves kudos and positive acknowledgement for its hosting of such a valuable and worthwhile event.

More photos of the event:
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