Active Living Fair

Kudos to the City of Pickering for presenting another success!

The Active Living Fair was great and really enjoyed by all that attended it.

Yet another Pickering event to celebrate its 55+ residents.

Yes, The Active Living Fair, held at the Pickering Rec Centre on October 24 was another very successful event. The day’s program was opened by Mayor Dave Ryan and followed by the keynote address. In the lobby, a host of well over 30 exhibitors provided a wide variety of age-friendly information for the attending crowd.

After a well provided and healthy lunch, all present participated in an interactive electronic survey of needs for Pickering as an age-friendly community.

The day’s program ended with a police presentation on safety. Excellent reminders!

Throughout the day one could sense an atmosphere of relaxed joviality, and observe many smiles as participants socialized with long-ago acquaintances.

The City of Pickering is to be commended for promoting these events and engaging its resident Older Adults in decision making.

Electronic clickers surveyed the crowd

Congratulations to the City organizers of today’s Active Living Fair! Superbly done!


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