Excellence of City of Pickering course in the words of a participant…

“First class !” a student’s assessment of City of Pickering’s iPad course.

Excellent in many areas: teacher, content, handout material and skills taught.

Every iPad user should take this course.

iPad Class 55+

The iPad class offered through the City of Pickering is a comprehensive course, delivered expertly by Richard Szpin.

The handout developed for the “iPads” class is the framework of the course. It outlines in bold headings the material to be discussed and even debated during some of the presentations. This handy outline is valuable in that there is a space left beside each heading for clarification and for notes that the instructor deems important. The class has ample space and time for making copious notes. I do this in every class as I find that after I go home I continue to group, search, browse and store information just to continue in the mindset of the iPad.

One large component of this program is effective communication. Richard is an effective communicator helping us to become better communicators ourselves. He presents his lessons through explanations, clarifications and helpful visual aids. All these contribute to an easy understanding of the presented material. He displays an easy, collaborative manner, frequently stops for questions and encourages everyone by his hands-on approach to learning. No question is ever deemed insignificant because each one extends our learning curve.

To continue to enhance learning, the instructor needs to be knowledgeable, easy going, humorous and be an effective communicator. Richard Szpin is all of that and more. His delivery is laced with humour which helps to break up the intense concentration that technology demands. By the end of the two-hour session, Richard touched upon the 5 modalities of valuable teaching strategies where everyone understands the lesson.

My computer skills have definitely improved in the last few weeks of taking this course. I approach my iPad with more confidence and am motivated to try new applications on my own; to download programs from the App Store and to browse the Internet more broadly. I also learned more computer language useful in communication.

Computers in general, but this course, in particular, broadened my horizons in the use of technology. There is still so much to learn so it would be helpful if this class were either extended for a longer period of time or perhaps a Part II program could be offered to satisfy those who are looking for more.

Nevertheless, we all benefit and will continue to do so from taking this and other computer courses offered by the City of Pickering.

Éva H.







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