Rotzy’s ‘Southern slaw’ from Ontario’s northern country

Rotzy minces no words. He reveals his coleslaw recipe is stolen. From Paula Deen, the grand ‘dam of the southern cooking, American south, herself a scandal victim for her use of racial slurs.

All the controversy aside here’s Rotzy coleslaw recipe for taste testing. 

Paula Deen was the inspiration for this recipe and she’s a bit more photogenic than Rotzy!

Rotzy’s Coleslaw

1 medium sized cabbage, coarsely food processed
¼ red cabbage, coarsely food processed
1 med. Carrot, peeled, coarsely grated or very finely diced
1 lge bag Dole coleslaw
1 slice of Vadalia onion
2 tbs Hellman’s mayo
3 tbs Miracle Whip Salad Dressing
[Kraft Italian may be alternative]
3-5 shakes coarse ground black pepper
2-3 pinches cayenne pepper
2-3 pinches paprika
2-3 pinches ground cumin
1 tsp dried parsley
2 pinches red chili flakes (optional)

Optional ingredients
1 stalk celery, grated or very finely diced
½ Vadalia onion, pre-soaked in sugared water, finely diced

Prepare the dressing first and set aside to rest:
Mix the mayo, salad dressing, shake well in a bottle and set aside

The Slaw
Mix all the dry ingredients, adding the spices, in a very large bowl. Add the dressing to the slaw mixture and mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon/paddle. Opt: more mayo can be added but only 1 tbls at a time, if a more creamy cole slaw is desired.

Refrigerate the coleslaw for a couple of hours before serving.

Decorate with sprigs of fresh parsley to serve.

With a nod of acknowledgement to Paula…

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