Organize your life into just THREE FOLDERS

Organize all your data/emails into just THREE FOLDERS

Put all your data, all your emails into just THREE FOLDERS and you computer life will be wonderfully simplified.

Organize all your data/emails into just THREE FOLDERS

Data organization is a necessary chore and should be done properly from the very outset. Store your files properly and simply, put them into a limited number of locations and the daze of finding files or folders will no longer trouble you.

Files/folders should be named simply and concisely for easy recall. An unnecessarily wordy name makes it harder to remember and recall the file. The K.I.S.S. rule applies: Keep It Super Simple.

No matter where you are organizing, in DOCUMENTS, in Gmail, in CLOUD Storage, or in a notes application such as MS ONENOTE, the organization remains the same, just THREE FOLDERS:




    The ‘ACTION’ folder is for data which needs some action immediately or soon. The urgency of the data is displayed in its title: [Put a date of action into the name. For example, a letter to your bank manager might be recorded as “Loan rqst 12 04 18” The first part, the ‘filename;’ the second part, the ‘take-action-date.’ The date a file is created is automatically saved by your computer. ]
    Files which are ongoing or for which you are waiting for a response, go into the PENDING’ folder.
    The final folder should be your ‘archive,’ your reference ‘vault,’ your ‘depository,’ data which has been completed, finished or closed. All files end up in this folder eventually.

Avoid chaos, keep it simple
Keeping all your data in three folders located in one place makes life easier. Whatever you have saved is in one of three places in one location.

Saving data in an unorganized manner will result in confusion and lost files. Store your data in places you have created and limit those folders: Action, Pending and Depository.

‘Your computer daze are over!’


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