Women are from Venus, men from Mars…and it’s a beautiful thing!

Generally speaking, sex makes men smile, women cringe. But that is a broad generalizaton.

My theory is that men are a visual bunch. Their stimulation usually comes from seeing something that triggers their urges and sensations. Women, on the other hand, are stimulated by feelings and minimal amounts of touch.

Give a man a raunchy magazine and a beer and he can be happy.

A woman wants to be romanced. She needs to be involved with a good conversation. Needs to be listened to and understood within that conversation. By being listened to, she needs to see you looking at her, into her eyes. They do say the eyes are windows into your soul. Full attention is required for this to happen and work for her.

Give a man a picture of a skimpy clad woman and he will be be sparkling in seconds.

A woman takes a while to become sparkly. Getting sparkly is the after effect of a good stimulating conversation that the man and woman are both involved in. some need to have an amount of time just being together holding each other, dancing to a romantic song, or walking beside each other holding hands, or sitting in the moonlight just gazing into each other’s eyes.

A man’s stimulation can just be a fleeting few minutes, just here now and done and gone.

A woman’s stimulation can take time to build up. A man may seem to think it takes forever. But when the woman is truly aroused and stimulated, it can result in a beautiful thing.


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