Five Things You Can Do to Stay Safe Online

Be safe while online during the holidays.

Some computer geeks will tell you to install browser add-ins like safe-site toolbars and to let someone else decide what is safe and what is not. Some will tell you to install a firewall because Windows firewall is no good. There is an endless supply of questionable advice out there, and we know it’s really difficult to figure out who to believe or what to believe.

5 things you can do to help you stay safe online this holiday season:

  1. Always Use Strong Passwords on sites that deal with personal information, banking or financial transactions.
  2. Never click links on websites without thinking. Always think before you click.
  3. Always use caution when clicking links in an email. Never click links in email that comes from a bank, credit card company, or other financial institution that asks you to verify a password or your account. If you have a question about your bank account(s), credit cards, other financial institutions, always go directly to their website – or call. Always think before you click.
  4. Never do online shopping or banking while using public Wi-Fi as you’ll find at airports, restaurants, hotels, etc. Wait until you’re home.
  5. Use good security software, like Emsisoft, that protects you from all kinds of malware: PUPs, ransomware, scamware, Trojans, viruses, etc.

Be safe online during the holidays… and the rest of the times too!

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