Jan. 28 – Snow removal, The Weather Channel

Winter blahs, settin’ in and affecting every one.
Rotzy included.

We’ve A Good Vantage Point…
….here at Unit 303-555 Park Rd North to monitor the snow clearing in the parking lot for us as well as the two ‘sister buildings’ and it has become somewhat of a ‘hobby’ for Miz. Jo and Rotzy….sorry, but for us, it beats going to Bingo (in the other building) or playing cribbage (also in the other building). Our Home Support Exercise Program happens right here, down in the Algonquin Room at #555, but that’s only one hour a week…Thursdays at 1:00. Plus whatever exercising we ‘want’ to do on our own right here in our own apartment….’want’ being the keyword, and the truth be known, I/we have been rather ‘remiss’ on keeping up any kind of regularity with the program. Problem is that Karen, our instructor, only shows up every second Thurs…AND with holidays over Xmas and New Years as well as her missing another day because of bad weather….well, you get my drift, eh? Any real ‘ongoing motivation’ is simply not there. Well, altho all of the above is as true as I’m sitting here typing this, in truth it’s a bulls–t excuse for us to watch snow removal from the comfort of our room whilst looking out the sliding glass doors….rather than try to get fit along with our ever-shrinking group of oldsters. Anyway, this snowplow watching is really a fun thing to do…in fact we’re doing it right at this moment, even as I (try to) write this column. Actually, we had about 2-3 inches of drifting snow here in Brantford overnight….a considerable amount for this area and in a city of 100,000. The first unit was on the job when I headed down to Norm The Truck for a couple puffs along with my Timmy Mug full of Maxwell House at about 5:30. So….SO…I was immediately impressed at him being on the job that early, and he was driving the tractor pulling a wide scraper behind it, looking sort of like a Zamboni *(see below). Having said that, I have no idea how or where he unloads it….so, that is something I need to find out if we’re gonna do this ‘snow plow watching’ thing seriously. Next came the ‘salt man’….and that is the name of the game here…SALT! I don’t believe the amount of it they spread!….over, and over, and over….until you can see the asphalt!! Unfortunately, it gets tracked into #555….in inspite of big, regularly changed mats in the entrance, into the elevators, and throughout the carpeted halls of all seven floors. It adds to the mess because the staff here also salts the walkways all around the property, after snow blowing and/or shoveling. Well, dont’cha know Rotzy got s–t from Miz. Jo one day last week for trucking in salt after she had Swiffered*tm the floors. In spite of me doing the ‘Harlem Shuffle step’ (scraping my feet along the carpet) all the way in! Jeez!

On The Other Hand…
….as resident plow watchers….we are also dog walker watchers and know many/most of the pooches by name….we were kept on our toes all last week as it became a ”to plow or not to plow?” situation from Monday to Friday….and as the week went on it certainly had us scratching our heads. I’ll try to relay the highlights. Tuesday we had 1/2 an inch of show….yes, I measured it….and it may have drifted to an inch or two in places and Brant County called for a Snow Day School Cancellation…..a handful of days after Calling for a Cold Day School Cancellation when the Wind Chill had temps around -32C (*see below). Anyway, the plow guy here at #555 (*see above) gave it his all….he not only got down to the pavement, I swear he went below it. Almost. I’m pretty sure that’s also the day it was +3C and raining cats and dogs. Next day it snowed methinks was Thursday….1 or 1 1/2 inches…..so we watched and watched with much anticipation awaiting the ‘Zamboni’ and he was a ‘No Show’!!! I won’t lie and say we were devasted, but we were definitely confused and very disappointed. So perhaps his early appearance today was greeted with a sigh of relief from Jo Ann and Rotzy…I might add that he did a great job today! You think that maybe he’s spotted a couple oldsters always looking out of Unit 303?

The Weather Channel…
….reported -9C for today (Sun the 27th) for The Telephone City…not sure but I think the Wind Chill was near -20C or thereabouts. Then, after printing off Miz. Jo’s two daily crossword puzzles, as usual, I checked in with TWC for Nakina, Ontario. HO-LEEEE!!! As at 6:30 AM the needle was pointing at -43C with a brutal W/C of -55C. There are a handful of folks here at Harris Place who are aware that we moved here ”from way up north” and I pass along Nakina temperatures, etc to them quite often…though none of them can/will grasp -55C….well, I met a lady in the elevator a while back who had lived in Sioux Lookout and she would understand. And she might add ”that’s why I’m in Brantford now”. And this olde guy is having trouble remembering HOW cold -55C feels like! Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Road Hockey At #555?!
I brought my hockey stick up from our storage locker…..as a reminder/tribute to the Humboldt Saskatchewan Junior Hockey Team….after the truck driver pleaded guilty, thus saving everybody from a nasty court case….and the Koho stick has been sitting on the balcony for a week plus. For some reason….don’t ask why….’road hockey’ popped into my mind. So I said (to myself) “What is wrong with you, Toad? (or something like that) You haven’t played road hockey in SIXTY years! You have trouble standing, without falling, and you can’t walk and chew gum at the same tyme! Are you nuts”!!! Maybe I’d just shoot a tennis ball at the fence? Set out a couple of rocks for goals? There’s a guy down the hall I know from football (on opposing teams) in the mid-1960’s. Gord. Maybe he’s got a stick?

*Thought Of The Day…I have no problem helping the needy. I do however have an issue funding the lazy.

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