February sprouts urge for early spring

Ground hog becoming senile as predictions of early spring are all over the map.

How many days until spring? The groundhogs can’t seem to agree, as usual. February 2nd was Groundhog Day and lots of hype was out there in hopes of an early and warmer spring than the deep freeze of this past winter.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner on February 14. Some of us may no longer have their Valentine living amongst us but still have wonderful memories of their love. Yet others may have their Valentine still with them and are able to create new memories. Either way, Love is always in the air when we have those memories.

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, where’s the romantic in you?

Family day is coming February 18. Will you be seeing your family? Do you make plans to visit them or will they come to visit you? Spend the day enjoying each other’s company. If visiting is not possible, make a call to say “Hello”.

(Parked Motorcycle Syndrome)

Looking so forlorn out the window wishing the snow away. My mind is making funny sounds, “potato, potato, potato”

February is a short month, which means spring is not far away. Hopefully riding season is right on track. Can’t wait to get the sun and that warm breeze on my face. That makes me smile from ear to ear.

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