Feb.11 – Power interruptions, Old appliances

Rotzy’s curiosity and interest is sparked by the technology in the southern regions of Ontario. 

Just Like Nakina
…last Thursday afternoon around 3:45 the lites went out here at Harris Place, after an initial flicker, so for Miz. Jo and yours truly it was like we were back in the North/up at the end of #584, with yet another Hydro (N)One power failure….altho this was the FIRST interruption we’d had in four months and a week! since we landed in Brantford here at 555 Park Rd North October 1st. A span of that length up there was something we could usually only dream of, what with their all-too-regular Planned Outages (on Sundays for 6 to 8 hours) and of course Unplanned Outages which also were all too regular. Anyway, Jo Ann and Rotzy decided to have some funn with it and pick the tyme when power would be restored, in spite of the fact that the only experience we had at this ‘guessing game’ was from our (almost) 20 years in Nakina where Hydro None would keep us in the dark and/or cold for anywhere from four or five up to eighteen hours!! I remember once it was off for about 12 hours, came back on for just a matter of seconds, and we went back into the dark for another eighteen hours!!! Well, last Thursday we had to take into account that the problem area would surely be tracked down/spotted much easier here than up in the bush, methinks that our guesses were in the one hour/hour and fifteen minutes range. Well, we both smiled when the lights came back on in forty five minutes….Hydro None had passed their FIRST test since our arrival, and yours truly thought the occasion deserving of a toast, so we did. By the way, if/when we mention ‘Planned Outages’ to others here at Harris Place, they look at us like we moved here from Mars! Seems like darkened Sundays are a thing of the past.

Readers Write….
….and this one sent along an email showing signs at various businesses and locations….each one with its’ own message, so check them out: 1/ (*from outside a hospital*) “IMPATIENT Parking Only….7:00AM-5:00PM. All Unauthorized Vehicles Will Be Towed At PATIENCE Expense.” 2/ “NO TRESPASSING! Violators Will Be Shot. Survivors Will Be Shot Again”. *I’m not absolutely sure, but it would seem as if this person really means business, you think? Anyway, keep on mailing/emailing us (jbrotz@bell.net)….it’s great to hear from you!

‘Talking Appliances’ And Stuff (*see below)
    With ‘Skyline Living’ having three buildings on the Harris Place property, that means approximately 400 units. Every one has Frigidaire*tm appliances…..a stove, fridge, dishwasher and microwave, all stainless steel, which methinks they call ‘top end’ (or something like that) as well as a washing machine and dryer, both with a white porcelain finish. (Between you and me, you can have the damned stainless stuff (I’m always getting s–t from Miz. Jo for getting my ”greasy fingerprints all over the fridge”) as well as the black glass top on the stove with constant boilovers, bacon spatterings and burnt stuff. But hey, it is what it is, right? And they ARE ‘top end’, eh? Fine. Whatever. Bottom line, the ‘talking appliances’ I referred to (*see above) are NOT the ‘top end’ units, they are the while porcelain ones….in particular the washer. I believe Rotzy was first to notice it speaking out loud, but Miz. Jo caught onto it immediately!! Now I’m not saying the washer, who I think we’ll call ‘Wendy’, speaks clear and proper english, or in sentences for that matter, and yes, she DOES get repetitive….BUT….you can change her message by simply adding to or lessening the load in the tub….just hit Pause, make your adjustment, and see what Wendy responds with. For example, this ayem she started saying to Miz. Jo “I’m done, I’m done, I’m done, I’m done”. So J/A opened the hatch, and dont’cha know, she WAS done!! The load was transferred to the dryer, who we may call Debby, altho at this point all she is capable of is a rather boring, kinda high-pitched ‘hum’….so we might have to work on her, but I’d say best we concentrate on expanding Wendy’s vocabulary. Maybe with practice I can have Wendy calling out ”stainless sucks, stainless sucks, stainless sucks”. Imagine.

New To Me
     I’m talking about traffic lights….and I can’t remember a ONE in Nakina….in fact all throughout the vast Municipality of Greenstone! But there are thousands of them in Brantford….and they have opened up a new form of entertainment for the olde guy….Left Turn Arrows….they’re everywhere, and they often differ in the methods of operating. Now, as I’ve oft said here before, Rotzy is NOT an ‘aggressive driver’….at all. But ‘running yellow arrows’ is a BIG thing and I LOVE watching guys (and ladies!) really ‘get into the gas pedal’ and ‘go for it’….one, two three and four cars thru the yellow!….even with slushy/sloppy roads!! Only to run into a red light at the next intersection. I’m lovin’ it!!

*Thought Of The Day…I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.

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