Just a few of Todd’s ongoing projects

 Todd is one of our Grey Quills associates. He’s in his mid 80’s and here’s a list of just some of the things he is working on in the Lake Chapala region of Mexico.

Todd is a retired engineer, a US military vet, a family man with numerous grandchildren. One of his legacy projects is the development of a pecan nut farm, the trees of which live for more than a 100 years. Todd believes it is a meaningful and valuable legacy to leave behind for his children and grandchildren.

Though he is retired and escapes the frigid winters of the northwest USA by wintering in Mexico, in the Lake Chapala region. There he saw a need to develop sources of fresh water for the people in the region and he began his water purification projects. One thing led to another and his short list of work grew. Here is his current list of active actions below:

  • Chapala county president briefing
  • Poncitlan county president briefing Small business meeting group Stabilization pond design/ economics paper
  • Playground at Tecomatlan
  • La Zapotera children feeding project/well dataJocotepec county president meeting
  • Pecan farm creation in USA Lerma River Basin Challenges paper
  • Childhood kidney disease paper/ prep for 9-10 village parent briefings at night
  • Assisted living project support – wastewater/geology
  • Filing extension for 2018 income taxes- critical files, W-2, rentals, pecan investment offset
  • Navajo Nation Indian Reservation projects
  • Tlachichilco bottled water plant electric/operation
  • Bio – life stories compilation, update organization Aquaculture update/promotion-Domingo, Cesar/Rueben Sanchez
  • Church membership survey by the village
  • Soil cement to replace village home dirt floors
  • Guidance on computer/phone wider uses apps


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