Condo living in south Florida

Condo living, convenience with an age consideration.

Gotta tell ya about the condo we are in.

We’re in a huge complex of independent buildings, each likely same as the one we are in with about 100 units in each, 25 per floor on four floors. There are over a dozen complexes such as ours in this entire complex. We estimate, when filled, likely well over 10,000 people in what may be about 4 city block frontages.
Our condo which is attached to a twin of itself, so we may be talking about 500 people in our condo alone when it is filled to capacity. Now the kicker…the condo has a regulation about its residents, a restriction. Only people over 65 can be owners. Nobody under that age. No young blood. No energetic 55-year-olds. No excitable 50 year olds.
We have met members of the condo exec…one day after moving in…the security and vigilance is top notch…no an authorized tag on your rearview mirror…no car in the morning. Americans take “tow away” zones with military regimentation…park in a tow away zone illegally, you’re car, gone by dawn.
Consider that example of ageism above. How sad…younger people, younger huh? 55, 50? These people would add some life to the place…you should pardon the expression. They would add some joie de vivre, and there are many Quebecois down here…some zest, some zip. And these people aren’t done yet…at a poolside barbecue fest, they had a DJ belting out Chubby Checker, Elvis, Bee Gees and Bob Marley with the best of them. These people are willing to party though they may not be able to so as they did years back.

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