Florida’s been really good for me

I’ve flabbergasted everybody with my development…kind of even surprises me too.

South Florida’s been really good for me. Can’t explain why, but I’ve changed a lot…and all for the better according to my two masters. Maybe the humidity and heat have slowed me down. Maybe being around seniors who don’t get overly excited about much of anything has rubbed off on me. Everyone’s floored by I’ve changed, for the better, I might add, down here among the seniors of southern Florida.

This is for real. That rooster would be flying in the old days. Woulda chased him everywhere. He’da been one dead duck, err rooster. But these days, I just kinda look at things and ask myself is it worth it.
“Sit” works for me. “Stay,” “wait,” “down,” all these commands work for me now. I do ’em all, with no hesitation, no reluctance. My owners are flabbergasted. I’m kinda of surprised myself. Seems like the right thing to do. When I do it, I get praise, treats, compliments and from strangers, lots of “ooo’s” and “ahhh’s.” Kinda nice, you know.
Now I am wondering if it will all stick…I hope so as everybody seems pleased as punch. I kinda feel good about it all too.
I mean just look at me posing below and that’s not a staged shot either:




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