Mar. 19 ( Day 57 ) Time for re-evalutation and reset

It’s not going as well as I expected.

57 days later
I expected pants to fall off, shirts to be baggy…no such luck.

Time to re-evaluate and reset
not give up and reject.

Some right, some wrong
OK … I know I am doing some things right, walking 10-12K regularly, water 1 1/2 L – 2 L regularly, food portions 40% regularly…but it seems to be doing next to nothing.

Time for re-evaluation….some things need tweaking:
1. Booze: 2 max per day, a scotch, a wine
2. Snacks: fruit, healthy nuts, one not both limit volume
3. Portion reduction needs to be increased…I am never really hungry…so let’s cut down some more until I feel hunger before the next meal.

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