Mar. 18 – Jerk of the year, spring floods, oh oh teeth

Spring in the step aint cuz of weather, but pain from molars and a wisdom tooth.

Readers Write
And this particular threesome reports in quite regularly with temperatures, info updates, and cetera from south of the Mason Dixon Line; one near Ft Lauderdale, Florida, one an hour south of Daytona Beach and the third was touring the Low Country in South Carolina this past week. I’m getting daily stuff like 65F to 85F…from ‘quite comfy’ to ‘hot and humid’, all of which would be fine by yours truly and Miz. Jo as Brantford is gonna struggle (Sun Mar 17) to get above the predicted ‘sunny and +3C’ for today, but more user friendly than Nakina, which ‘felt like’ -29C as at 7:00AM….going for ‘sunny and -5C’. Hey, it is what it is, right? But having said that, it occured to me yesterday that Spring isn’t far off….I know because I heard it on the radio….from both 740A/M Zoomer Radio and 92.9 The Grand F/M….and it arrives Thursday March 21st! At least we’re hoping it lands in Brantford then….whereas we know from (almost) 20 years experience that Nakina won’t be seeing crocusses and daffodils before April 21st….if then….but it IS on the way, and in spite of a much easier winter down here, we’re still looking forward to it.

We’ve Had Some Good Follow-Up….
….to our new “F/N” Jerk Of The Year (JOTY) Contest which was kicked off last week….to see who gets the crown for 2019….with a virtual ‘who’s who of Jerks’ on the slate and vying for top honours. 1/ Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; 2/ Ontario Premier Dougie Ford; 3/ US President Donald Trump; and 4/ North Korean Bossman Kim Jong-un….all of whom are ‘worthy candidates’ and then some, from what you have indicated. So let us have your thoughts on the candidates and whom you think should get the nod. One reader was having such a tough tyme deciding on who to pick, he suggested all four might have to go in as an ‘all-star team”! He may be right!!!

Last Friday….
….Rotzy was on an early ayem Rez Run, for smokes and petrol….it’s SO much easier when one avoids the crowds….and afterwards I decided to to a Grand River Reconnaisence Run, having heard the potential/probable flooding dangers due to massive ice back-ups. Altho most of the problems were downstream….Caledonia, Cayuga, Dunnville, Pt Maitland….there were considerable buildups and jamming just south of my gas place at Osweken….hence I took a different route back into town over the ‘Blossom Ave Bridge’, then the Cockshutt Bridge and there were signs that large ice chunks already had overflowed the banks….ditto for along Birketts Lane (which ALWAYS has water over it) and over toward my old neighbourhood, altho there have been VERY high dykes constructed throughout that area that I hadn’t seen previously. Seems I recall them on the TV coverage of the massive Grand River flooding that hit Brantford and most other cities/towns along its’ banks in 2018….the worst in fifty years or more. Anyway, aside from chunk ice already over the banks, Rotzy’s Re-Con Run Friday indicates that The Telephone City should be ‘good to go’ for Spring 2019, barring some unforeseen torrential downpour of rain that is. Or the sudden release of tonnes of ice in Galt, Kitchener, or elsewhere upstream??!! I never thought of that.

Mr. Happy Tooth….
….I am not. Yet. Not sure what, if anything, I had remarked in this space about in regard to the state of my 73 (almost 74) year old teeth….in particular those still remaining. Anyway, about a week and a half ago I came up with a DANDY tooth ache… of those ‘blow-the-side-of-your-head-off’ tooth aches. After a few days I saw a dentist and found that THREE gotta go….botttom left side, two chompers and a wisdom, the latter of which was/is impacted, gotta go. Lovely. But not by him. Lovlier. Plan B…..went to Burlington to see an ‘oral surgeon’. Maybe I mentioned this?…..Rotzy is terrified of dentists!!!….period….so an ‘oral surgeon’ makes the fear tymes ten. Anyway, he would’ve needed to do a ‘general anesthetic’….no driving for 24 hours. Sorry….no can do. Onto Plan C…..Dr Ciarvallo….five minutes from 555 Harris Place! I said (to myself) “Hey Toad, you can do this”! To which Dr. C’s receptionist replied “Who and where is Toad?….never mind, the Doctor will see you March 22nd”. Lovier still! Furthermore, Dentist #1 prescribed some pain meds and amoxicillin for me….*NOTE* I need the latter to avoid infection because I’ve had two knee replacements, OK? But I’ve run out, so I’d best see him tomorrow (Monday) AM. Besides…..I almost forgot….I’m also on Dr. C’s ‘cancellation list’ so I may see him before Friday!! Tell ya what, if I get more ‘amoxii’, and it continues working for me, Rotzy just might remove myself from Dr. C’s list….the regular one or the cancellation one….and disappear completely. ”Mr Happy Tooth’ be damned!! Stay tuned. (* Sorry folks, but I’ll do better with “F/N” next week)

*Thought Of The Day…Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia.  (Charles Schulz)

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