Toothless bite imminent…but pain’ll be over!

Yours truly erroneously reported in last week’s “F/N” column that Spring arrived last Thurs March 21st. Well, I learned on 92.9 The Grand FM….as well as 740AM Zoomer Radio….that my most favourite of seasons ‘officially’ began Wed March 20th as of 5:58 PM. Sorry if my incorrect info threw anybody for a loop or messed up anybody’s plans for a ‘Welcome Spring Party’….but, it would seem I’ve had the date wrong for 73….almost 74….years! Anyway, signs of spring abound all around, there are only a couple parts of what were snow mounds remaining here at 555 Harris Place and we’re one warm shower from the grass greening up. Not so in Nakina, where, in spite of some amazing temps (+5C to +9C) and full sunshine last week, I’m betting there’s still 4-5 ft of snow yet to be melted off the lawns and gardens at 153 Hwy 584, where we called home until last Sept. I well recall each year, with garden seeds already purchased, hoes and cultivator cleaned/sharpened and ready for action, wishing for the snow to disappear. Of course it always did….eventually….at the speed of a retreating glacier no less. By the end of April? Not likely, but perhaps the first week of May?…good luck to the new owners there at 153, as well as the rest of Nakina’s serious gardeners! Unless Rotzy can find a chunk of land somewhere nearby my gardening days may be done….other than what we can grow from boxes/pots on our balcony. I better get looking!

Rotzy Tooth Update
A lot of readers asking, so here you go. Saw my newest dentist Friday….he’s #3….and he concurred with the others (#1 and #2) that three teeth gotta come out….two ‘chompers’ lower left side, as well as an impacted wisdom tooth behind them. And, by golly, dont’cha know this guy (#3) is actually gonna extract them!….no more ‘referrals’!!! ”So, when is he going to do this”?, you ask. Monday April 29th, at 3:00PM! Yes, yes, yes….in 2019 in case ya’ll were wondering….tho perhaps I was/am just assuming it? The hell with it….four weeks from Monday I’m just gonna show up there….but don’t go thinking I’m looking forward to this, I just want it done with! It’ll be with ‘freezing’ as opposed to a ‘general anisthetic’ and the olde guy is fine with that plan….so there ya go. Stay tuned.

New Equipment at “F/N” H/Q
I was down in Staples*tm the other day getting some new writing pads….I like the ‘Post-It type’, different colours, lined and about 4″ X 8″. After getting some help finding them, I meandered over to the Computer department to check out the PC replacement keyboards. After wandering around aimlessly, a staffer spotted my distress and asked if he could help. Told him I was thinking of replacing my ASUS*tm keyboard….and if they didn’t have an ASUS*tm, ALL of the keys would have to be in exactly the same position! I had zero idea what this thing might cost, but noticed some of those on display were between $100 and $200, but the ones down below on the shelf were MUCH less and he suggested a Logitech* unit that was on sale for $29.95!! which I liked. I told the guy “I know of Logitec*tm….I think our last computer was one of those”. I asked him if I could see the keyboard (rather than rely on the picture on the box) so he removed it from the carton…..and I carefully checked out the keys, it/they seemed quite ‘similar’, if not completely identical, then he casually added ”of course it’s a wireless”. ”Of course” I replied….then said (to myself) “Hey Toad, you’ve never seen a wireless model, let alone hook up and install one….and actually use it”! Then I heard “Hey Toad, the damn thing only costs $29.95….go for it!….living life in the fast lane, Bub”!!Long story short, I brought it home and turned it over to Miz. Jo, the ‘resident electro/technical wizard’ who installs stuff, who plugs and unplugs everything, including our Christmas lights! Well she read the instructions, separated the different types of batteries….the only thing Rotzy had to do was open the lid for the keyboard batteries, figure how they went in, and close it up. Bingo! And….what you’re reading right now originated on a WIRELESS Logitech*tm keyboard, which I am already ‘comfortable with’, not to mention a wireless Mickey Mouse, which my ‘suspect paws’ move around much easier than the old one. Makes me wonder, after ‘going wireless’ what’s next to check off on my list of achievements!? Operating the remote TV changer? Actually we have TWO, and I know how to use the one to turn it on as it has a green button. Jeez….the sky’s the limit, eh?

“F/N” J.O.T.Y.
Our Jerk Of The Year Contest, which has garnered considerable interest since it was kicked off a week or three ago saw some considerable movement this week past….on behalf of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, aka Candidate/Contestant #1. It appears that The Good Ship Liberal is taking on water. You think? One thing’s for certain, it surely it is NOT taking on any crew. On one hand HMCS Liberal….some are comparing it to The Good Ship Lollipop….is reminiscent of The Titantic, altho there was no collision with an iceberg and The Liberal is docked in Ottawa rather than adrift in the North Atlantic. On the other hand, Captain Trudeau’s foundering ship bears a lot of similarity to The Bounty, altho JT’s unhappy bunch are NOT interested in a mutiny….at all! They are LEAVING the ship in numbers that might/would suggest an outbreak of malaria aboard!!! I rather doubt it’s malaria….I’m sure they all ‘had their shots’….but they aren’t happy with Captain JT. And they certainly can’t like it that the P/M has moved up the “F/N” J.O.T.Y. ladder this week. Trump held his ground in the contest, but it was about two weeks ago he was labelled a ‘racist, liar, and narcissist’ by Mr. Meuller….and Trump went along with that one almost as if it was a compliment. Dougie Ford is going to change Ontario Health Care to something we might not even recognize….so we’ll wait and see. As to Kim Jong-un over in Korea….he’s stuck in 4th spot….until he sets off some sort of nuclear bomb. Stay tuned.

*Thought Of The Day…I think senility is going to be a fairly smooth transition for me.

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